Stan: Why'd you tell me?
Ruby: You said no more lies.
Stan: I'm an idiot.

Annie: You're on a total power trip!
Beth: I am not.
Annie: Yeah, you think you're like the big boss now because your vagina got woke.
Ruby: I mean, how was it?

Beth: I don't know who your source is, but they have no idea what they're talking about.
Turner: No?
Beth: Lot of crazy out there.
Turner: Yeah, right.

Beth: We need you to make it go away.
Ruby: Without, you know, making her go away.
Annie: Unless push comes to shove. Yes, I know she's a mother. Yes, I know she has four kids. But we have like seven between us.

Ruby: No one saw us, Stan.
Stan: That's what everybody says. And they all get caught.

Beth: We got this by killing a man.
Annie: We didn't kill anyone.
Ruby: No. We just threw him away. In a trash bin, like an old, dirty futon.

Beth: I did something.
Ruby: I literally get hives every time you say that.

Dean: I hate that guy. I hate his money.
Beth: Dean, this isn't money yet. You have to make it money.

Gregg: You know what I've always loved about you?
Annie: Please, don't.
Gregg: Your eyebrows.

Rio: I think you could be something.
Beth: I don't want to be something.
Rio: No? What you want to be then? A fireman? Astronaut?
Beth: I don't know. A good person.
Rio: No, you're way more interesting than that.
Beth: You don't know me.
Rio: I think I do.

Rio: Be a boss bitch.
Beth: How?
Rio: I don't know. Root him out. You on Facebook?

Kenny: I'm sorry I ate the cake.
Beth: It's not your fault.

Good Girls Season 2 Quotes

Rio: What are you doing, Elizabeth?
Beth: I don't know. I just want it to be over.

Stan: I'm not lying to my kids.
Ruby: Okay.
Stan: That's your M.O.