Ruby: Will you go easy on her?
Agent Turner: No. But you will get to keep your husband.

Beth: My daughter needed something in the car.
Rio: Who cares?
Beth: I do! I'm a mother!
Rio: You're a drug dealer! You move pills and you wash cash, that's what you do. That's who you are. And if you mess up at that, you go to jail or you die. Get your head straight.

Rio: What's 50/50 mean to you?
Beth: If this is about the drop off, I'm doing it in the morning.
Rio: 50/50 means I'm paying you so damn much I don't have to come and track you down anymore. At your recitals and swim and the orthodontist and ----
Beth: Why do I feel like we keep having this conversation?
Rio: You tell me.
Beth: Well then let's stop.

Ruby: I did every single thing you asked.
Turner: And still, I got nothing.
Ruby: I don't know what you want!
Turner: Pictures, people, names, dates. Something I can use.

The stupid thing is, I can't live without her.


Noah: I'm Noah.
Annie: Hey, Noah. I'm Ariana Grande.

Dean: Kids get lost, Beth.
Beth: No! Parents lose them.

Beth: What's in the cars?
Rio: What's in the box! What's in the box! Just bring them, alright? It won't be good for nobody if you don't.

Beth: I trusted you.
Rio: That's your fault.

Ruby: So what, we just say cut us in pretty please?
Beth: No, we take every pill from every car, and we bleed him dry.
Annie: Hell yeah.
Ruby: And then he shoots us in the face.
Annie: He can't shoot us in the face if we have his product.
Ruby: Can't he?
Beth: He won't.
Ruby: Won't he?

Ruby: Our girls a side piece.
Beth: You think I care who he sleeps with? I so don't.

Stan: It's not a good look.
Ruby: You know what's not a good look? You at the dinner table doing the shaky leg.
Stan: What are you talking about?
Ruby: You got no poker face, babe. And I love you for it, but it's going to bring the both of us down. Hard.

Good Girls Season 2 Quotes

Rio: What are you doing, Elizabeth?
Beth: I don't know. I just want it to be over.

Stan: I'm not lying to my kids.
Ruby: Okay.
Stan: That's your M.O.