Victor: I don't trust him.
Boyd: Look, we're still alive.
Victor: For now.

Jim: Tom! What's happening? Talk to me, man. What is it?
Tom: I think he's fucking dead.

Martin: You ever wonder if Abby was right?
Boyd: What'd you say?
Martin: What if it's all just a dream?

You think those things that come out of the forest at night did this? They're just the tip of the spear.

Martin [to Boyd]

Donna: I know this is scary. But we are not the enemy. The enemy's out there.
Woman From The Bus: Well, that's an odd thing to say.
Donna: Please, just let me explain.
Woman From The Bus: Okay.
Donna: Let's just start with the tree you saw in the road.
Bakta: How did you know about the tree?
Donna: Everyone sees the tree.

Look, we have a long night ahead of us. Boyd picked one hell of a time to go on safari. If this shit goes sideways, you have to be ready to step up. You got that? You're sheriff now.

Donna [to Kenny]

Ethan: Well, symbols are important, especially if you're on a quest.
Jade: Yeah.
Ethan: But you have to figure if they're good symbols or bad symbols.
Jade: What do you mean? What do you mean bad symbols?
Ethan: Sometimes they make you do bad things.
Jade: You're a creepy little kid.

Tom: Ellis! Pretty crazy, huh? Maybe the magic tower summoned them.
Ellis: You ever see something like this?
Tom: No. These people are fucked.

Jade: Donna!
Donna: What?
Jade: There is a bus parked outside the diner!

FROM Season 2 Quotes

Look, we have a long night ahead of us. Boyd picked one hell of a time to go on safari. If this shit goes sideways, you have to be ready to step up. You got that? You're sheriff now.

Donna [to Kenny]

Jade: Donna!
Donna: What?
Jade: There is a bus parked outside the diner!