Ethan: Can I come in?
Victor: I don't know. Are you gonna steal anything else?
Ethan: I told him not to. I said you wouldn't like it.
Victor: Well, you should of said it louder.

Boyd: You know, this place, there's not a lot holding it together. You know, everyone is scared and confused. But the thing I learned in the army, it always helps to have people to look to. People who seem like they know what the hell they're doing. That's really all I'm trying to do here.
Kenny: It seems like you're doing a really good job.

Jade: Oh, Christ. Are you people living here now?
Ethan: Our house collapsed.
Jade: At least you had one. It's not my fault you broke it.

You watch your own fucking six.

Kenny [to Boyd]

Sara: Boyd gave me a chance. That I didn't deserve. And I'm grateful for that. I'm glad I got to help. But now I'm back, and I have done things I can't undo.
Kenny: We can help. We can help make people understand, you know? We can do that.

Boyd: Somehow you being dead made you more of an asshole.
Khatri: Leaders sometimes have to make tough decisions. Boyd, you, of all people, know this. But you want to be everyone's friend? Go be the new bartender, apparently, there's a vacancy. But if you want to lead these people home, sometimes you have to make shitty decisions. I tried telling you this before, you didn't listen. Listen to me now.

Maybe I should stay with the others from the bus. People died last night. And that's the rock I painted for you, sitting there like it was on your nightstand at home. And you're just acting like everythings...I just need, I just need some time.

Marielle [to Kristi]

Ellis: Kenny?
Kenny: Yeah.
Ellis: It's those things. They did this.

Kristi: We have to pull out the rod.
Ellis: Will it be peaceful?
Kristi: I don't know.

Woman From The Bus: Can you imagine showing up in a place like this to find out that your fiancée's here?
Jim: What did you say?
Woman From The Bus: Well, Kristi and Marielle. They're engaged.

This place will not win. You understand me?

Boyd [to Ellis]

Jim: You ever done this before? Spent the night hiding?
Tom: Would it make you feel better if I said yes?

FROM Season 2 Quotes

Look, we have a long night ahead of us. Boyd picked one hell of a time to go on safari. If this shit goes sideways, you have to be ready to step up. You got that? You're sheriff now.

Donna [to Kenny]

Jade: Donna!
Donna: What?
Jade: There is a bus parked outside the diner!