Morgan: They're trying to burn us out. Here.
Dwight: We'll save you the bullet. This one's a courtesy kill. But the next one we light on fire keeps walking.
Morgan: Dwight, come on. I got Mo in here with me. You're gonna get her killed.
Dwight: No.You will. You got five minutes to turn yourself over... or I'm sending one up on that porch.
Sherry: We'll be waiting, Morgan.

Madison: You're part of this, too.
June: Not by choice.
Madison: You the one who had them drawing my blood all those years?
June: It wasn't me. I didn't even know you were alive, Madison, until Shrike just gave me your records.
Madison: What happens now?
June: I've done everything I can to put her off.
Madison: From what? What is she gonna do to me?
June: Shrike has ideas on how to heal Carrion bites. They're based on Alicia surviving a bite as long as she did.
Madison: Jesus.
June: And now she wants to test it. That's probably why she was collecting your blood. She thought maybe it was something besides the radiation, something hereditary.
Madison: Could she be right?
June: Anything's possible, but there's a... There's a boy who seems to be responding to the radiation, but it hasn't even been a week. If I don't do this, Shrike will, and your chances of it working are better with me.

Madison: Don't do it, Dove.
Dove: Why not?
Madison: PADRE lied about this. Think about what else he's lied to you about.

Daniel: Seven years ago, Morgan told PADRE we were out there, and they found us and brought everyone to a ship to assess us before deciding where we were gonna be sent according to our skills and usefulness. Some people went to the mainland. Others went to the island. Others, I don't know where they went. PADRE thought that I was too old to be of any use, so they dumped me in the swamp.
Madison: Sorry, Daniel.
Daniel: Eh. He was right about one thing. I was old. But he wrong about everything else, because being old doesn't mean to be useless. I can take care of myself. So could everyone in the group. Except for Charlie.
Madison: What happened to Charlie?
Daniel: Morgan didn't mention it?
Madison: He didn't get a chance to tell me much before PADRE figured out what we were up to and separated us.
Daniel: She was very sick. She had become like a daughter to me by then. I said that I would stay with her till the end, so she wouldn't have to die alone, like Ofelia. And I broke my promise. I wasn't there for her. I wasn't there for Luciana, either.
Madison: I'm sorry it happened that way. I know Morgan would be too.
Daniel: I had no purpose. And then I found these folks, this angry, desperate group of people in search of their kidnapped children. It motivated me, gave me a reason to stick around. So I organized and trained them, turned them into an army. Strong, getting stronger, because there's more of them out there. I lost my family, Madison. But I'm gonna fight with everything I got to help these folks get back to theirs.

Soldier: Our parents abandoned us. Diane: We didn't. We've been fighting this whole time.

Woman: Warbler, what's your ETA?
Warbler: 10 minutes out.
Woman: Hurry up. Got a lead on an egg. Might be a whole mess.

Adrian: Hello? I just wanna talk. Don't shoot.
June: Give me one good reason not to.
Adrian: Just hear me out.
June: How'd you find this place?
Adrian: I followed you here. Please! I'm the one who's been writing on your signs. Name's Adrian.
June: I don't want to know your name.
Adrian: I need your help.
June: Can't help you.
Adrian: My daughter, Hannah...
June: Don't know her.
Adrian: Collectors took her away from me years ago, right near here.
June: I said I don't know her!
Adrian: Maybe not. But you know PADRE. I've seen your signs. What you've got in that jar. I know you can help me.
June: Get out.

Dwight: I'm gonna kill you.
Shrike: Why would you do that? I am the only one who can save his life.

June: I don't want to answer any questions. I will take you there. We will do this. But then you need to hold up your end of the deal and get me that boat.
Sherry: We will.

We have a problem. The bullet hit the control panel. I can't do the surgery without power.


Madison: I'm trying to save you.
Mo: I don't see it that way.

Woman: Is someone there?
Mo: Hey!
Woman: Can I get some help?
Mo: Closer... Are you okay?

Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

Nick: There was blood all over her mouth, and then she came at me.
Travis: What did she do?
Nick: She was eating them. She was eating them.

If there’s a problem, we’re gonna know about it. The authorities would tell us.
