Dwight: I think this has got to be the end of it.
Sherry: Of what?
Dwight: Of us. I mean, I-I don't know. No matter where we go, what we do, it just stays the same.
Sherry: Yeah.
Dwight: Right. It never stops. Never stops. Just seems to get worse. You know, maybe it's not because of assholes like Negan or Shrike, you know? Maybe we're just not meant to be together.
Sherry: Where would you go?
Dwight: Back home. You know? Start over.

This message is for Rick Grimes. It's Morgan Jones. Man, I'm gonna come and look for you, whether you're at Alexandria or not. I will leave this message every morning at dawn, and I'll leave the walkie on for a few minutes after. Who knows? Maybe you might even be listening.


Madison: Morgan! Morgan! It... It happened again. I tried to stop you. They helped.
Morgan: I lost time. I don't remember.
Madison: It's okay.
Morgan: Did I hurt you?
Madison: I managed to stay out of your way.

Morgan: It's like I see red. It's all I see, and all I do is kill. Again and again. Until I've cleared.
Madison: Cleared who?
Morgan: Walkers, people... I don't see no difference. All I see is red, so you are not safe with me.
Madson: I don't believe that.
Morgan: That's 'cause you weren't there. You're not seeing how many I killed. And it's like a... it's like a-a cycle, and it's starting all over again.
Madison: Then we're gonna break it.
Morgan: I swung my axe at you! I swung it, and I don't even remember!

Daniel: We're armed and ready, Morgan. But we need assurances from that woman that we're not walking into a trap.
Shrike: I assure you the Carrion are real, and I want them dead. The contents of these containers, they're valuable to me.

June: Go for June.
Morgan: It's Grace. She's bit on the side. We can't amputate. What you did for Finch, you think it'll work for Grace?
June: Maybe.
Morgan: We'll take maybe.
June: Morgan, to do it, we need the equipment that PADRE has.

Morgan: God, she's losing so much blood.
Dwight: We can't waste any more time...
Mo: I need another dressing...
Sherry: We shouldn't even be on this truck... There's more of us than them.

Shrike: Why do you think I put it on wheels in the first place? To keep people like you from messing with it.
Morgan: What the hell do you want?
Shrike: To help. To save Grace's life.
Morgan: Then tell these assholes to stop shooting at us.
Shrike: Not before you hear me out.
Morgan: I don't have time for this.
Shrike: No, Grace doesn't have time for this. So listen carefully... I'll tell you where the train car is. My people will escort you there. I'll even allow Blue Jay to administer the treatment. Grace will get the care she needs.
Morgan: And what exactly do you get?
Shrike: I paid a little trip to King County. I saw what you did outside your house. I saw how many walkers you killed single-handedly. Well, except for the one who bit Grace.
Morgan: What do you want?!
Shrike: There's a shipyard, one that is very important to our future.
Morgan: And that has what to do with me?
Shrike: There are thousands of Carrion inside, and I need them all cleared.

Grace: This is exactly what I was doing when we first met.
Morgan: No. You were burying your co-workers.
Grace: I was risking my life for people who were already dead.
Morgan: This is my son.
Grace: And it's Mo's life! We could have gotten away when Dwight and Sherry gave us the out.
Morgan: That wouldn't have worked.
Grace: You don't know that.
Morgan: I gotta do this. Only way I can be sure I can give that girl what she needs.
Grace: Why?
Morgan: I need to know that I won't let her down.
Grace: You are so scared of the past repeating itself that you don't even realize that you're the one who's making it happen. And now we're trapped in this house that you and Duane lived because you brought us here.

Morgan: You shouldn't have done that.
Dwight: I'm not just gonna stand here and watch you get killed in cold blood, Morgan. You're not the only one trying to escape your past. What PADRE's doing... You know, making us do, it's like living at the Sanctuary all over again. Morgan: Your boy's gonna end up just like mine. And I can't have that on me. I can't.

Morgan: They're trying to burn us out. Here.
Dwight: We'll save you the bullet. This one's a courtesy kill. But the next one we light on fire keeps walking.
Morgan: Dwight, come on. I got Mo in here with me. You're gonna get her killed.
Dwight: No.You will. You got five minutes to turn yourself over... or I'm sending one up on that porch.
Sherry: We'll be waiting, Morgan.

Morgan: I should've taken that deal from before. I put you and Mo in danger. Mo: You made the right choice, Dad.
Grace: We just can't abandon Daniel and Madison. We have to get back to my truck. You can stop the walkers before they get to the house. You can make a path so we can get to the truck. You just have to "clear" for us.
Morgan: No. It is not that simple.
Mo: This is your second chance, Dad.

Fear the Walking Dead Quotes

Nick: There was blood all over her mouth, and then she came at me.
Travis: What did she do?
Nick: She was eating them. She was eating them.

If there’s a problem, we’re gonna know about it. The authorities would tell us.
