Roni: When you said you live with a mummy, I thought you were exaggerating.
Vic: Oh, hell no. If anything, I downplayed most of what I told you about place.

Vic: You okay?
Larry: Not since the early sixties, no.

Vic: What's with the get-up?
Rita: I'm preparing for a role in a local production. The Cloverton beekeeper has graciously agreed to let me shadow her today. I also had to subscribe to her Honey of the Month Club.

Did anyone else just feel something weird go up their nose? Or is that some status quo shit around here too?


Miranda: What's up?
Roni: Well, Vic's just offered to perform surgery on me.
Miranda: Like, himself?
Larry: Anything we can do to help?
Vic: Hell, yeah! You're already dressed like doctors!

Kipling: You did it, didn't you? You opened the box. The one marked 'Do not open' on the front, the back, and the sides. All caps. Underlined.
Vic: I thought it was more of a suggestion as opposed to a hard rule.

Becoming infected by scants is extremely dangerous as the bad ideas will compound and lead to death, dismemberment, and more death.


Beekeeper: What people don't realize is that their moms are just as stupid as they are. But because they squeezed a human being through their pee-hole, they expect them to be super-human.
Rita: My. What a way with words you have.
Beekeeper: A mom can love a kid to the moon and back but it doesn't mean she knows how to express it in healthy and constructive ways.

Beekeeper: When your mom boffed that producer, she didn't realize that she was shackling you with chronic self-doubt. I believe she did it because she loved you.
Rita: So, that's it? We're just supposed to endure the toxic stupidity of our mothers?

Listen, little lady. I'm a self-trained Shinobi warrior and a semi-semi-professional Fortnite streamer. So if anyone knows how to stay hidden...

The Beard Hunter

Dude: No way! A talking statue?
Cliff: I'm not a fucking statue. I'm a fucking robot.
Dude: Woah. Robot? Can you move?
Cliff: Not at the moment.
Dude: I dunno, dawg. Sounds like something a statue might say.

I solved all of your problems. And who's going to solve mine? Me? I wouldn't even know where to start. How am I supposed to fix something inside of me that you broke?


Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Vic: You okay?
Larry: Not since the early sixties, no.

Roni: When you said you live with a mummy, I thought you were exaggerating.
Vic: Oh, hell no. If anything, I downplayed most of what I told you about place.