The mother is gone. Soon, the father will join her. I endure.


Larry: Hey, where's your butt mask?
Kipling: Don't need it. Got em exactly where I want them. Once they kill me, I'll initiate my plan.
Vic: Damn, they'll never suspect that.

Scant Queen: It doesn't matter how many times you summon her, Willoughby, she'll never love you. She's a talking horse head. She has no torso.
Kipling: You don't know that. Don't need a torso to have a heart.

Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Vic: You okay?
Larry: Not since the early sixties, no.

Roni: When you said you live with a mummy, I thought you were exaggerating.
Vic: Oh, hell no. If anything, I downplayed most of what I told you about place.