Bert: Beth, why don't you just apologize. Make everyone happy, so we can get the rest of our afternoon back.
Beth: Well, I think people should be responsible for their choices. Even very small, weak people. This is really about accountability.
Tacy: I didn't give myself borderline hypothermia.

Riri: You know, I really thought she might come this time.
Addy: Enter enemy territory? No way.
Riri: Yeah, but, what is she doing after practice everyday?

It's a nasty virus, weakness. One of you shows it, next thing you're all infected. Laziness lurks in all of you and it is ugly. So when you see someone who's weak, do you complain? Phone it in? No! You step up. Adapt. Adjust. If we can't help each other, if we don't support each other, don't teach other...then we can't get there from here. We have to be strong for those who are less strong. That's how we win.


There's sheep. Which is fine. Squads need sheep. But I don't spend my time on sheep, there's no payoff.

Colette [to Addy]

Matt: Hey! Is this a party or a home invasion?
Colette: It's a squad! It's my squad.

Beth: You ever hear him through those walls? Maybe with some skanky chick. Flinty voice.
Corporal Kurtz: You want to waste our precious time talking about my boss?

Colette: What about you, Addy, you ever jealous? You ever want things you can't have?
Will: I know what you want. You want to be on top of that pyramid just like every other girl.
Addy: No, not me.

Beth: Did you look inside?
Addy: Why would I do that?
Beth: Don't you want to peer into the secrets of my black, cold heart?
Addy: Well, I guess I already know all your secrets.
Beth: Don't be so sure.
Addy: Well, I guess I already know all your secrets.

I have a lot of eyes on me. A lot of people watching, all these expectations. I can't take anymore chances right now.

Colette [to Will]

Addy: Not everything is a game.
Beth: But it could be.

Beth: I was right, ya know.
Addy: Right?
Beth: She's a liar. And a cheater. And an appallingly bad one.

Colette: Not much of a team player, is she?
Addy: She wants this. She wants to win. She wants those state rings.
Colette: As much as you do?
Addy: She'll do what's right for the squad. I'll talk to her again.

Dare Me Season 1 Quotes

Beth: I was right, ya know.
Addy: Right?
Beth: She's a liar. And a cheater. And an appallingly bad one.

Beth: I can't wait until I can get out of here. I can't wait.
Lana: You think it's gonna be easy? You'll leave, you'll be free.
Beth: I never thought anything would be easy.