Will: All this. She made it seem like nothing. Did she make you think things too?
Addy: Think things like what?
Will: That she needed you. She definitely doesn't need me.

Colette: This is my life that we're talking about.
Will: You are my life. That's it. That's all I have.

Addy: What were you and coach talking about?
Beth: Nothing. Girlfriends just pissed you brought me there last night. So am I. It was the last place you should have taken me.

Matt: Getting caught probably would have been better for them.
Colette: Better how?
Matt: Teach them a lesson. They think they can do whatever they want. Think they can get away with anything.

Tacy: Are you trying to break dad's heart?
Beth: What?
Tacy: Your necklace. The one that dad gave you. Did you lose it? No wonder he doesn't get you nice things.

Addy: You and Kurtz? Friday night. Nothing happened that you didn't want to happen, right?
Beth: Nothing happened.

Addy: Nothing happened. We were out of there before the cops came. And no one's gonna talk.
Colette: Okay. Not even Beth?
Addy: Especially Beth. Beth never talks about anything. Not even to me.

Addy: I've never seen you hype a party so hard. What's your angle?
Beth: Can't I just wanna have fun with my friends? Every woman has her secrets.

I am not your mother, Hanlon. I expected more from you. So much more.


Colette: God, it must be so nice to be a guy. To be applauded for just showing up and trying. Babysitting your own kid every once and awhile. Unloading the dishwasher once a week because I'm doing it the wrong way. You think I'm avoiding responsibilities, I'm not. I am just juggling everyone else's trying to be perfect every single second.
Matt: Nobody's asking you to be perfect. We just want you here with us.
Colette: Right. Smiling for the family portrait in the picture perfect house that we can't afford. Some nights, cooped up in this...trapped. It makes me want to scream. It makes me crazy.

Addy: Will is definitely worth cancelling practice for.
Colette: I didn't cancel practice for Will. I didn't cancel practice. You lead.
Addy: I did.

Beth: Can you imagine if someone actually wanted to take advantage of her? I mean, if she succumbs so easily to perceived peer pressure from her own sister. Am I the only one that sees the problem here?
Bert: She does kind of have a point.

Dare Me Season 1 Quotes

Beth: I was right, ya know.
Addy: Right?
Beth: She's a liar. And a cheater. And an appallingly bad one.

Beth: I can't wait until I can get out of here. I can't wait.
Lana: You think it's gonna be easy? You'll leave, you'll be free.
Beth: I never thought anything would be easy.