Are we just gonna avoid eye contact forever? What are we, Jeff during sex?


Who's holding? I have four berries, but I'm saving them for "Laser Floyd."


This awkward silence has been going on for days! Granted, Jeffrey looks amazing when he broods, but this has got to stop!


I'll be spinning hits from yesterday and today, which are basically the same to me, since I have changnesia.


So was that girl an alien, or a toddler with a growing disease?


As someone who faked being a lawyer for seven years, I appreciate your commitment to the bit.


Hey Britta, where's Sophie B.? Is she backstage, drinking Zima and counting out Beanie Babies?


I've been making a conscious effort to get away from filtering everything through TV. I figured it's time I showed some growth. It's been 3 1/2 what the old me would have said.


Anything could happen between now and that dance. An asteroid could hit. Do you want to be the schmuck who apologizes right before the world ends?


I had to hitchhike home last night in a burrito truck. It's not as fun as it sounds.


Dean: The perfect mix of low intellect, limited ambition, and limitless parental support.
Jeff: So, a rich dum-dum who will never graduate and keep dropping money into the school indefinitely. Got it.

Pierce Hawthorne has taken 80% of Greendale's classes twice. He is the only Greendale student who has ever paid for a premium locker or the extended pencil warranty.


Community Season 4 Quotes

Whatevs, we'll take it next semes. Ter. Semester.


While they were incepting, I got their balls.
