You don't have to be scared anymore because you're not alone. You're not alone, and we're right here with you.


In Mark's mind, money killed his parents.


Voight: I'm not investigating Sean for drugs. I'm investigating him for sex trafficking. Minors.
O'Neal: What?
Voight: Children.

  • Permalink: Children.
  • Added:

He's my kid. He's my son. Me and you, we came up together. And you have never had a better friend in the Ivory Tower.


Sean: I think not being able to go home is the most natural thing in the world, but why did you come here?
Hailey: I can't stop thinking about her, Abby. Everything that happened, I just can't. I haven't stopped working the case.
Sean: Good. You find anything?
Hailey: Maybe. A name that came up. Victor Holmes.

Voight: You can't do it this way.
Hailey: What does that mean?
Voight: You got to turn down the heat. You got to go home and sleep.

I haven't really been home in a while. I haven't really wanted to.

Hailey [to Kim]

I won't lie. We'll find another way.


You shot that white boy like he was an unarmed Black man. Whoo. Finally. One for us. My man.


Atwater: Second one today, Sarge.
Voight: Yeah, it's one of those days.

When you walk out of this room, take your empathy with you.


Hailey: Sean has been playing me this entire time. I found him at the trap house. I let him sit in on the interview with Blake.He was looking for information, but not because he cares. He was--
Voight: Hailey, what are you trying to say?
Hailey: Abby jumped off that roof when I said Sean's name. I saw it. That's why she jumped. There are over two dozen girls that have gone his place that no longer exist. What if they didn't fall through the cracks? What if the wolf has been in the hen house the entire time? Hiding in plain sight, helping them, protecting them. What if we need to wake the hell up? I'm saying the chief's son is trafficking underaged girls.

Chicago PD Season 10 Quotes

Hailey: You know it's not your job to help him through that, right?
Halstead: I know.
Hailey: There's going to come a point when you can't manage him without changing.
Halstead: I said I know.

Halstead: Voight?
Trudy: I went to pick him up, he wasn't there. I thought he was with you guys. One guess as to where he is. This private patrol of his is getting out of hand.