Kim: Kevin are you okay?
Kevin: My dad is here.

There’s a lot if people watching. Wouldn’t wanna give yourself away. I’d step back if I were you.


This is why I became a cop.


Torres: I just became part of the Blue Wall. You know what that feels like for me?
Ruzek: No. No, I don't. This job, it'll find a million different ways to break your heart.

Dante, did you think I wasn't going to have your back?


If something else happened with that cop, you could tell me.

Torres [to Alex]

Voight: Paddy, your son led us to this. Shawn is involved in this. You can't protect him. You can't save him from this. Help me bring in Sean now.
Chief O'Neal: He's my son you're not bringing him in.

Voight: So you want to do that now, make cases any way you can. He's in your head.
Hailey: I know.
Voight: So let's go back to work. Me, you and the team. That's how we're going to get them. That's how we're going to save them.

The urges, they don't go away, because they can't. See, bad things do happen, Hailey. Bad things happen but you can control how they happen. You can control who they happen to, that is what I learned. you can sacrifice the ones who are already broken to save the rest.


Sean: Do you know how many programs I've done?
Hailey; Twenty-two.
Sean: Joined six religions too, did you find that out?
Hailey: No. Sean: Six. I read all these books. Did every kind of therapy. Poisoned myself. Talked to my dad, once. Don't worry, he didn't understand what I was trying to tell him. His brain wouldn't let him. He loved me too much. But I did try. I didn't want to be like this.

Ruzek: I'm here for you.
Burgess: I know.
Ruzek: You and I? We'll figure it out.
Burgess: Thank you. But this was just a bad day.

Ruzek: Tell me what's going on? Talk to me.
Burgess: What?
Ruzek: Come on. Kim, I know we don't talk about it a lot, when you were shot. You were alone fighting for your life. This case...

Chicago PD Season 10 Quotes

Hailey: You know it's not your job to help him through that, right?
Halstead: I know.
Hailey: There's going to come a point when you can't manage him without changing.
Halstead: I said I know.

Halstead: Voight?
Trudy: I went to pick him up, he wasn't there. I thought he was with you guys. One guess as to where he is. This private patrol of his is getting out of hand.