I had to. I had to! He wasn't going to come for me. He wasn't going to pay for me.


Sean: You can't hurt me more than I already am.
Hailey: Give me a name.
Sean: I will if you promise to come back. Once a week, every week. You come back, and I'll give you names, I'll give you cases. I'll give you everything that the freaks in here give me. I'll be your informant.

Sean: Hailey, they took a woman.
Hailey: Who's they?
Sean: I don't know. I wish I did.

By myself I raised them, so I don't understand why you feel you owe everybody but me!


Kevin: That's a damn shame. I was hoping we could at least have some kind of conversation first. I tried for a long ass time not to care about this. I think I'm going to need some kind of understanding.
Lew: there's nothing to understand.
Kevin: It sure is. There's always something to understand.

I don't got the luxury of being angry. I ain't carrying that around with me. I'm good.


Lew: You really that angry at me? That you would put your own father back inside?
Atwater: Angry? Are you serious? Do I look angry right now? I ain't got time for that.

Lew: How are they?
Kevin: Jordan and Vanessa? They're fine. We're all fine.

Kim: Kevin are you okay?
Kevin: My dad is here.

There’s a lot if people watching. Wouldn’t wanna give yourself away. I’d step back if I were you.


This is why I became a cop.


Torres: I just became part of the Blue Wall. You know what that feels like for me?
Ruzek: No. No, I don't. This job, it'll find a million different ways to break your heart.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
