Kim: What's happening?
Adam: Kim, just keep breathing.

Get him out. Get him out.


Kim: I can't feel this.
Therapist: Feel what?
Kim: Like I'm getting shot all over again. Like I'm bleeding out every time I hear a gun go off. I almost lost that boy. I can't be who I want to be with this, not for my daughter and not for Adam. And I can't be a cop. They bench cops for this. I can't, I can't not do this job. I don't ever want to not do this job. You said I'm trapped, but I can't be trapped.
Therapist: OK, then we will work on getting you free.

Adam: I think you need to take some time; you wanna sit in the squad, if you want to call the therapist.
Kim: We need to find the man who killed that kid.

Trauma has a way of trapping you without you even you knowing it's sitting there right on top of your body, weighing you down until something makes you notice, until a car backfires and you're shaking on the ground panicking because you feel liek you've just been shot again. Is that what happened?


Chapman: Before we met, I heard all these stories about you. He's dirty. He's cruel. But you're decent.
Voight: Some of those stories are true.
Chapman: Are you still that man?
Voight: I don't know. I don't think about it.

Voight: You alright?
Chapman: Honestly, no. Closure, what a joke.

I don't need your protection, Hank. I made my choices. I live with them.


Voight: Any sign of anything?
Kevin: Just some big ass rats.

Find a good secret or something they're going to need and hold onto it.


Hailey: I can’t have you in my life. It’s not right. It’s not for me. I’m done.
Sean: That's okay, Hailey. That's okay. It's a good speech. You're just giving it to the wrong person.

Hailey: Who is your father, and what does he really do for a living? He did not lift a finger-
Samantha: My father is a good man. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
