Connor: Sam, I know this can't be easy for you. But if you're going to make me choose between you and Downey...
Sam: It's gonna be him.

It's the patients. They come in, and you want to help them. You care about them, so you try to connect, and just when you think you're getting through, they go back to what they were doing before. And it's like you were never even there -- like everything you did was for nothing. I can't take a life of that.

Sarah [to Maggie and April]

You don't have to show me how smart you are. And you don't have to please me. Just learn.

Downey [to Connor]

I've been an ass. Not just today -- since last week. Before that. I should not have yelled at you.


Will: I was wrong.
Nat: You? Wrong? Amazing.

Boy's will always want to be better than their fathers, which is precisely what their fathers want.


Oh, come on -- sport's the oldest form of group therapy. We yell, we scream. Testosterone spikes. Every now and then, we even get to believe in a miracle.


Sarah: Uh...fourth period, bottom of the ninth -- put me back in, Coach.
Daniel: Butchered hockey, football, and baseball in one sentence -- impressive.

Maggie: He came here to die.
Sarah: Really?
Maggie: People do that sometimes. They sense they're at the end and they just want to die in a clean bed.

Sharon [about Dewey]: When he realized the seriousness of his condition, he decided to find someone he could teach. Someone who had the ability to do what he does.
Connor: So what do I have that all the other surgeons in this place don't?
Sharon: He saw something. You'll have to ask him when he wakes up.

Will: I don't dismiss you.
Natalie: Yes, you do. And not just today. All the time. Look, things can't just always be on your terms, Will. I'm tired of this.

This is not about you. This about *her* and what *she* wanted.

Sharon [to Will]

Chicago Med Season 1 Quotes

Dr. Connor Rhodes: Is every day like this?
Sharon Goodwin: Some days, we're busy.

Dr. Will Halstead: Okay, who the hell is this guy?
EMT: Says he's a doc
Dr. Will Halstead: Alright, get off the gurney, doc. I'm senior resident in this ER.
Dr. Connor Rhodes: Yeah? Well, I'm your new trauma fellow.