Gallo: Arms tired. Hands full. Still need to chop down that door.
Ritter: Then it’s time for the kick axe.
Cruz: That’s one hell of a name as long as it’s not an axe strapped to your boots.
Gallo: We’re gonna keep noodling on this.

Herrmann: Is engine all right?
Kidd: As far as I know.
Herrmann: OK, well if you can hand me off to Ritter. I want to look in the compartments.
Kidd: You are on vacation.
Herrmann: I didn’t get a chance to go over everything before you guys barreled out of there.
Kidd: OK, you’re gonna have to call Ritter back. He’s got some Shark Tank action going on right now.
Herrmann: What, Shark Tank? You better get me in the room.

Kidd: Was that crazy? Working a call in your childhood home?
Severide: Rooms seem smaller.
Kidd: It’s a good thing you knew where that kid might go.
Severide: It was my escape route – back bedroom, out the window, down the spout. You know April over at Med? She used to live up the street. She’d let me crash over at her place when I didn’t want to be home.
Kidd: This is in Benny’s heyday.
Severide: Yeah, and my mom, she was falling apart. Anyway, long time ago.

Granger: Hey, I just wanted to let you know I didn’t mean to step on your authority at the fire scene. 40 doesn’t have a captain. Makes me the one barking out orders until the chief gets there. I guess I just did it without thinking.
Casey: You’re only here a couple of shifts. Defer to me on calls, and we won’t have any more problems.

Cruz: This isn’t from some bungie cord. I had a close call. I had an incident, and I didn’t want to worry you.
Chloe: Hey, we’re having a boy.
Cruz: We’re having a boy?
Chloe: Yeah.

Vanessa: Why are you being so nice to me? Is it out of pity or something else?
Ritter: I had a friend, my best friend, he just dropped out of my life one day, no explanation. At first I was annoyed, but then I got worried, so I went to his house and found out he and his mom had been evicted. Neighbor told me his mom bailed on him, and the last thing she heard was he was on the street alone.
Vanessa: That sucks.
Ritter: I was so mad that he hadn’t said anything, hadn’t let me try to help. it didn’t occur to him that with a couple bad breaks most of us could end up in that exact situation.
Vanessa: Is he OK now?
Ritter: Yeah, and he still volunteers at the youth center that got him off the street.
Vanessa: Yeah, well, I’ll be 60 by the time they pull my name off one of those waitlists.
Ritter: Well, he made some phone calls.
Vanessa: What? What do you mean?
Ritter: There’s a spot open for you to live there or here.

Casey: You can drop the act.
Alan: Not sure what you mean.
Severide: We know you’ve been complaining about the encampment for months. We know it was your phone calls to the ward office that got the cleanup crew here so fast.
Casey: We want you to know his name was James Benevidez, ‘Big Jim’ to those who knew him. He wasn’t just some faceless nobody in a tent. He had a sister, he had nephews, he had friends.
Alan: I don’t know what this is about. You’re obviously upset. I’m busy right now so…
Severide: No, you’re going to listen.
Casey: He helped people. First as a teacher, then a soldier. He survived Iraq, then he survived 10 years on the streets, but what he couldn’t survive was the fire you set.
Alan: Whoa, what I did?
Casey: We got you on camera buying the propane, and some of the camp residents place you at the scene on the morning of the fire. I just wanted to dissuade of the notion that somehow Jim’s life was worth less than yours. It wasn’t.

Severide: I think you should be straight with Chloe about what happened.
Cruz: Kelly Severide is dispensing relationship advice?
Severide: Yeah, well, a little while back I decided to keep the truth from Kidd. I thought I was protecting her, but I almost lost her. Like I said, just my two sense.

Kidd: You really gonna make me do this?
Brett: Do what?
Kidd: So, OK, you’ve had some bumps with the guys lately. Right, maybe had your heart stomped a little. Who hasn’t? But you are no wilting wallflower. Bozo-phobia aside, you are an ass-kicking member of the CFD, and my friend, it is time for you to put on your big girl gear and face the beast again.
Brett: You think? Just to clarify, the beast is men, or is it specifically Granger?
Kidd: Sylvie Brett, I just pep talked the hell out of you. No more waffling.

Gallo: Did you see what just happened?
Ritter: She went to get some water?
Gallo: She blew me off.
Ritter: It sounds like she’s just busy.
Gallo: No, Cruz is over us, so now she’s over us. Before I was forbidden fruit. Now I’m just regular fruit.
Ritter: Again, maybe, just maybe, she’s actually just busy.
Gallo: I need to make myself dangerous again.
Ritter: No, you should not do that.

Cruz: The last thing I need is for Chloe to come in here and see that. She thought I got this from a bungie cord.
Mouch: Why would she think that?
Cruz: She was so worried about marrying a firefighter, and now we’ve got a baby coming that I couldn’t let her know I almost got my head taken off.
Mouch: Bad call, Cruz. I tell Trudy everything ever since I tried to learn about losing $300 in a poker tourney. She broke me like I was made of glass.
Cruz: Trudy’s a professional interrogator. Chloe’s a sweet innocent civilian.

Gallo: We’re free.
Mackey: What?
Gallo: He’s over us. His attention’s on Chloe and the baby. He doesn’t have time to worry about our situationship.
Mackey: You think?

Chicago Fire Season 9 Quotes

Boden: I just got word from headquarters. Squad 3 has been designated guinea pigs to test out new equipment.
Severide: And?
Boden: They want you to give up your next couple of Saturdays, test out the equipment in front of white shirts at the academy.
Severide: It’s such a waste of a weekend. When was the last time CFD bought any new technology, chief?
Boden: Mine is not to question the infinite wisdom of headquarters. Mine is to cross one more item off this ‘to do’ list, which stretches over five pages long. So?
Severide: Uh…
Boden: Thank you.

Kidd: I want to grab these pencil pushers by their throats and make them actually push their pencils. I mean, why is this taking so long?
Severide: Girls on Fire?
Kidd: Girls on ice is more like it. I mean, look, I talked to the community relations guy. I told him everything will be done outside, all the girls will be masked up. No one is going to get within 6 feet of each other. You know, they’re worried about liability. I’m worried about these girls losing a year of their lives … I’m going to break through on this, if it’s the last thing I do.
Severide: Do you know how proud I am of you?
Kidd: Tell me again.