Casey: Hey, what were you hoping to find in here?
Christy: I don’t know. Maybe, some answers about why mom is the way she is. Something, anything. Our family just always kept secrets, you know? This time I thought it was going to be different. I’m sorry you drove all the way out here.
Casey: It’s no problem. It’s good to see you.
Christy: You too.

Gallo: I hope this isn’t weird for you.
Mackey: Me, no. We’re casual.
Gallo: No, I know.
Mackey: Is it weird for you?
Ritter: Definitely.

Severide: I don’t deal well with change. She knows that.
Casey: Well, it’s her home too. She probably wants to put her stamp on the place.
Severide: Mhmm, probably.
Casey: Hey, you and Kidd, if it’s time for me to move on and f you guys need the loft to yourselves, just say the word. I promise I’m all good.
Severide: Didn’t I just say I don’t deal well with change?
Casey: You did.

Casey: I want you to know I really appreciated you saying what you did last shift. You were right.
Brett: Well, I probably shouldn’t have snapped.
Casey: No, no, you definitely… I needed it quite frankly, so thank you for helping me get my head on straight.

Severide: You headed somewhere?
Dylan: Anywhere but here.
Severide: You gonna walk out on your parents like this? With your mom in the hospital?
Dylan: You don’t understand. I heard them talking. They try to keep their voices down, but I sat on the stairs and heard them. All the money went to medicine for me. They have nothing for themselves. They’re better off without me.
Severide: That where you hid your stuff?
Dylan: It was here before I moved in.
Severide: I made it. Used to steal cigars from my dad and hide it in there.
Dylan: There was a note in here when we first moved in. I don’t remember what it said.
Severide: I’m here anytime you need me. It was written by a girl who used to live up the street. I was going through some rough times back then, same age as you. You know what I learned? You gotta lean on the people who love you. I met your dad, and he loves you kid. It’s all over his face, and your mom, she’s gonna need you, now more than ever.
Dylan: I’ve caused enough problems.
Severide: The girl, the one who wrote that note, she saved me back then, and she’s still helping people, and she’s really good at it, and I think she can help you too.
Dylan: How?
Severide: Come on, let’s go see your old man. Let him know you’re OK. I’ll tell you about it on the way.

Cruz: I call it lady bunker gear.
Capp: Nice.
Mackey: Um.
Kidd: Uh.
Cruz: What?
Kidd: These designs… did you make them?
Cruz: Uh yeah, they’re just mock ups.
Kidd: OK.
Mackey: You’re gonna need a woman’s input before these… go to the market.
Kidd: Bingo. OK, we’re gonna do a pass, and uh, we are gonna need some profit participation.
Mackey: Yes, definitely.
Cruz: Yeah, OK, that sounds good.

Brett: What is wrong with you?
Casey: What?
Brett: I heard the way you were talking to Granger before that last call.
Casey: Then you heard him out of line.
Brett: No, Matt, he wasn’t. You were. You’ve been riding him for two straight shifts.
Casey: I have not.
Brett: You have. What you’re not getting Matt is this doesn’t have anything to do with Greg Granger. It doesn’t even have to do with me. It has to do with the fact that you’re still in love with Dawson. I called you out, and you haven’t done anything about it. Maybe you should reach out and resolve that, so you can go back to being the Matt Casey that everyone looks up to around here and not this.

Granger: I’m a good officer. I care about this job. I just hope that me being at 51 isn’t a problem for you because of whatever you had going on with Sylvie.
Casey: You’re way out of line, lieutenant.
Granger: And you’re unprofessional, captain.

No one considers a woman’s body, do they? This is a job designed by men for men, and the equipment is no different, and so what, I got these girls looking up to me every week at Girls on Fire, and I gotta explain to them that the gear is designed for men only? How is that supposed to inspire them?


Severide: It was so strange being in there. I guess most of the time I was busy sneaking out of that place.
April: Yeah or sneaking me in. I will never forget 2 in the morning. You thought you locked the door.
Severide: I did. Benny rigged the bolt so it wouldn’t latch.
April: I have never been out of a window so fast in my life.
Severide: I remember.
April: Your mom soured on me after that.
Severide: Ah, she was just going through it then.
April: Yeah.
Severide: You were there for me when I was at my lowest, you know that?
April: That year made me realize I should do this for a living ‘cause if I could help Kelly Severide, I could help anybody.

Brett: You don’t have to try so hard with Casey. He’ll come around.
Granger: You two had something, didn’t you?
Brett: Uh, I don’t know. It’s a long story. It was somewhere between something and nothing, but it never got any further than…
Granger: You don’t have to confess anything to me. I can tell there’s more going on.
Brett: Do you want to get out of here?

Brett: How are you liking the rest of 51?
Granger: The guys, engine crew are total pros. Your chief, he seems like a straight shooter.
Brett: Yeah, Boden’s the best.
Granger: Your captain, if I’m being honest, is wound a little tight.
Brett: What, Casey? No, actually, he’s a great officer, even greater guy. Just ask around. Everyone here loves him.

Chicago Fire Season 9 Quotes

Boden: I just got word from headquarters. Squad 3 has been designated guinea pigs to test out new equipment.
Severide: And?
Boden: They want you to give up your next couple of Saturdays, test out the equipment in front of white shirts at the academy.
Severide: It’s such a waste of a weekend. When was the last time CFD bought any new technology, chief?
Boden: Mine is not to question the infinite wisdom of headquarters. Mine is to cross one more item off this ‘to do’ list, which stretches over five pages long. So?
Severide: Uh…
Boden: Thank you.

Kidd: I want to grab these pencil pushers by their throats and make them actually push their pencils. I mean, why is this taking so long?
Severide: Girls on Fire?
Kidd: Girls on ice is more like it. I mean, look, I talked to the community relations guy. I told him everything will be done outside, all the girls will be masked up. No one is going to get within 6 feet of each other. You know, they’re worried about liability. I’m worried about these girls losing a year of their lives … I’m going to break through on this, if it’s the last thing I do.
Severide: Do you know how proud I am of you?
Kidd: Tell me again.