Stella [watching Kelly season the brisket]: You need help with that?
Kelly: Ha! Did Hank Aaron need help hitting home runs?

Sylvie: Did you see the bruises?
Will: I saw them. I don't like them. But the patient said she slipped getting out of the bath tub. Look, I'm not a lie detector, that's my brother's department.

Cap: It's my squad-iversary.
Cruz [annoyed]: He made rescue squad on this date nine years ago.
Cap: Exactly.
Kelly: Didn't you have to go back for retraining seven years ago?
Cap: Once in squad, always in squad.

This is no longer the squad table, this is now officially the Gabriela Dawson nap-time area.

Gabby [stealing Cap's new recliner]

Kelly: Two days ago, you were saying you were wanting to move out because it's getting weird with me, and now you're worried about his sister?
Stella: I know. But meeting his family, I mean, he might as well come with a priest and ten limos because that's what that means.

Voight: That was nice work guys.
Boden: A little too much excitement for one day.
Voight: Well, that's what keeps Chicago interesting.

Boden: They got a little too close for comfort, but they both handled themselves with aplomb.
Matt: You hear that? The chief just used the word aplomb.
Gabby: Oh? Well, what'd you expect?

Boden: What if the computer's not in the office?
Antonio: We'll improvise. It's what we do.

Gabby: Uh-oh did Kelly get stood up tonight?
Kelly: Nah, I just wanted to hang with the old married couple.

I think that if we start wondering one life has more value than another, we can't do our job.


Boden: And what if the man you saved today is different than he was yesterday?
Casey: You think he's magically reformed because he got hit by a car?

Otis: What just happened?
Mouch: You see, the "F" is for you're f--[blender turns on]

Chicago Fire Season 6 Quotes

Hermann: How ya feelin', dead Mouch?
Mouch: I'm not dead, Hermann.
Hermann: You flatlined! I've seen bodies in a morgue move more than you!

Cruz: MOUCHIE! He's back! [hugs Mouch and kisses his forehead] You look incredible! Doesn't he look incredible?
Otis: Incredible.
Cruz: It's good to have you back, Mouch.
Mouch: Thanks.
Otis: It's almost like you didn't go visit him every single day he was laid up.