Mouch [about Otis]: Maybe he's missing the robot. Maybe we bring the robot to the hospital.
Sylvie: I don't think...

Cordova: So, you two are married?
Gabby: Yeah. We got hitched last year.
Cordova: Guess they weren't kidding when they said the gang at 51 is close.

Cruz: Is this thing with Otis some kind of medical mystery? Why don't we have any answers yet?
Herrmann: Relax. This is Chicago Med. They're gonna figure it out.

Deputy District Chief. You know, I always figured that I'd ride out my career right here, Taking care of my men and the house that I helped build.


Gabby: Good to see you again, Cordova. [to Matt] We worked together for a few shifts when I was right out of training.
Cordova [fondly]: She had attitude right out of the gate.
Matt: Oh, not much has changed on that front.

Mouch: You were supposed to put the kibosh on this.
Herrmann: We were counting on you, Cruz.
Cruz: But can you blame me? I mean, who among us is cold-hearted enough to crush the spirits of those sweet women? [others walk out of the room] Seriously, though, who's cold-hearted enough? I can't eat this food again!

Capp: If they cook for us on Thursday, I'll quit.
Mouch: I'll kill myself.

Grissom: I wanted to give you a heads up.
Boden: Oh, am I in trouble?
Grissom: No. For once.

You and Severide? Please, even Capp could figure that one out.

Gabby [to Stella]

Gabby [knowingly]: You and Severide are sleeping together.
Stella: Wow, that is some crazy witch level intuition you've got going on.

Sylvie: I need to move forward, with a fresh perspective, and that includes this thing with Antonio.
Gabby: Okay, that sounds different than last night.

Sylvie: Why would my feelings be any different now? I wanted to keep things light, leave my options open, do me.
Gabby: I like this new attitude. It's strong, steady.
Sylvie: And... Who knows, if down the line, Antonio and I are meant to be together, then--
Gabby: Veering off course!

Chicago Fire Season 6 Quotes

Hermann: How ya feelin', dead Mouch?
Mouch: I'm not dead, Hermann.
Hermann: You flatlined! I've seen bodies in a morgue move more than you!

Cruz: MOUCHIE! He's back! [hugs Mouch and kisses his forehead] You look incredible! Doesn't he look incredible?
Otis: Incredible.
Cruz: It's good to have you back, Mouch.
Mouch: Thanks.
Otis: It's almost like you didn't go visit him every single day he was laid up.