I can't snap my fingers and make the world a better place for you, but I will do everything I can to make it a safe space. It's the least I can do because you've always been mine.


Mathilda: My sweet Coventina.
Pearl: Coventina?
Mathilda: Goddess of Water. Pearl, you are the only one I trust to look over her.
Pearl: And I will, always.
Mathilda: As her godmother?
Pearl: I'd be honorod.

Byron: What are you saying? That you don't want kids, or that you don't want kids with me?
Lynette: I'm saying that I don't know.
Byron: So, what have we been doing all of these years? Playing house?

How do you grieve for someone you never really knew?


For 50 years, I thought my best friend was dead. What I want to know is how she could just carry on without ever letting me know that she survived.


Covey: We were fools, thinking we could leave this island. We're girls. They tell us how to walk, how to talk, where to swim. Who to love. Why did we ever think things would be different for us?
Bunny: Because we were different.

B and B, there is a small black cake in the freezer for you. Don't throw it out, sit down and share it together when the time is right. You'll know when.


B and B, I don't know how you will feel after hearing everything I've had to say. You may be upset. You may be asking yourselves if you could ever really know who I am, and this is what I need you to hear. You have always known who I am. Who I am is your mother.


I had grown accustomed to pretending. Pretending I was a girl raised by my grandmother in the mountains. Pretending that I was an orphan nurse. And now, I would pretend that I was the same person who walked into that home for unwed mothers, a young woman, unwilling and unfit to be a mother. But I knew something Sister Madeline did not. I knew that love was enough to make me a fit parent that I was enough. I just had to wait until the right moment to prove it.


They've been praying for a baby for years, and they've agreed to keep Mathilda as her middle name at my request.

Sister Madeline

Before I met you, my first born, I was afraid that you would be a reminder of that horrible thing that happened to me then all of a sudden, my past didn't matter. All of a sudden, you were my future, my everything.


Young ladies these days are so liberated it's no wonder when these types of predicaments come about.


Black Cake Season 1 Quotes

I will never forget when it happened, the look on my father's face when he had realized what he had done. He had sold his little girl.


Eleanor is not my real name, B and B. There are people who have spent their entire lives wondering what happened to the girl I used to be. And when this is over, after you have heard the truth in full, I want you to find those people and tell them.
