Young ladies these days are so liberated it's no wonder when these types of predicaments come about.


The world can be a scary place for Black boys.


My whole world has shifted, my identity, and I haven't even begun to look back at myself to wonder how didn't I know, what did I miss?And I'm not ready to do that right now, and I'm afraid of what learning about my birth father would mean, not just to me, but to my parents, and to my son.


Benny: You are actually Black and Chinese, so you can tell them to fuck off now.
Mabel: Yes, I suppose I can. It hasn't really sunk in yet.

I'm tired of doing these panels, but I'm obligated to do them because I'm the only one who can. For a long time, I pretended to be fine with it; honestly, it makes me angry, and I'm learning to listen to that anger because it tells you that even though all of these people are smiling in your face, something is very wrong here... that anger you have to use it, right? But use it for good.


It was always my intention to protect her, but I failed her just like I failed you, Benedetta. When I left the island, Bunny had to fend for herself. I can't imagine how hard it must've been to keep hiding to feel like there was no other way, just like Bunny, you had to ask yourself, what am I willing to do to fit in, to feel love, and to survive. You did what you had to do, and I hope you won't be afraid to make the same type of choice again. to walk away, to refuse to hide.


Benny: I always thought that I was living in your shadow, but it wasn't about that. She was comparing me to her.
Byron: How could she compare you with this other person who wasn't even in her life?
Benny: She was comparing me to a fantasy of her, which is even worse.

I tried to forget, B & B, lord knows I tried, but somewhere out there is the little girl who made me a mother, and how could I forget about that? The ache that the firstborn child had left in my heart grew bigger while my world grew smaller and lonelier. You asked me before, Byron, about that day on the beach, and you were right; it wasn't an accident.


Charles: my client passed away recently, and she left me instructions to reach you. Her name was Eleanor Bennet. Does that name mean anything to you?
Mabel: No, should it?
Charles: May I ask what you've been told about your adoption?
Mabel: Excuse me? There must be some mistake; I'm not adopted.

I love you, but it's not enough. I want to respect you, too.


Mrs. Martin: Mabel, it never mattered to us where you were from. We had waited for a child for so long.
Mabel: But you know who I was, what I am.

You don't own me or my body or my art or my talent, but you got in my head and convinced me that you did. You convinced me that I was weak for loving my family, and now, my mother is dead, and I will never get to say the things that I should've said to her, and I will never get to ask her the questions that I should've asked her because you robbed me of that chance you manipulative lying piece of shit, but not anymore because I'm done.


Black Cake Season 1 Quotes

I will never forget when it happened, the look on my father's face when he had realized what he had done. He had sold his little girl.


Eleanor is not my real name, B and B. There are people who have spent their entire lives wondering what happened to the girl I used to be. And when this is over, after you have heard the truth in full, I want you to find those people and tell them.
