Kate: That's one way to take someone's head off.
Alice: Oh, now she's giving me pointers on how to be evil.

Why be rats on the streets of Gotham when we can be royalty in here?


I'm sorry that I spent the best video-gaming years of my life locked in a basement.


And when everyone has forgotten us, we'll remind them who we are, and they will never ever forget us again.


Both you and Bruce stared into the abyss. The question is, how long are you going to let it stare back at you?


So, insider tip, my scissors should not be able to cut through your super-suit.


You don't have to say anything but a friend wouldn't leave you drinking on a ledge.


Mary: You're Kate's...
Sophie: ... ex, I know, we covered that.
Mary: I...I was going to say 'assistant' but that's much more fun.
Julia: Julia will suffice.

Alice: Kate, have I ever lied to you?
Kate: Literally, dozens of times.
Alice: Yeah, well okay.

The only thing I feel guilty about is I don't feel guilty.


Kate: You set me up to kill him. So that I would be like you.
Alice: Kate, you can't give me all the credit. After all, it wasn't that hard.

Kate: If I were to help you break him out of there, then how am I any better?
Alice: Don't you get it by now? You're not.

Batwoman Season 1 Quotes

What's UP, Candy Kane?

Tommy Elliot

Both you and Bruce stared into the abyss. The question is, how long are you going to let it stare back at you?
