Jacob: Psychotic escapees are all over this city right now, thanks to you.
Batwoman: Thanks to Alice....
Jacob: Alice isn't the one claiming to be this city's hero. She needs you as much as you need her. The Joker had Batman like she has you and guess who always ends up as collateral damage?
Batwoman: I will protect my city.

This is a surprise. Usually, when they say I have a visitor, it's followed by the words,'just kidding'... I have a lot of laughter at my expense.


Alice: You should be more careful who you trust.
Tommy: If you can't trust your money launderer, who can you trust?
Alice: Hm, no one. I only trust in the fact people can't be trusted.

Clearly, you are an only child. Otherwise, you'd know that our dear siblings are the ones most predisposed to betray us.


You're going to need some Bat Accessories. Don't worry, they go with everything.


But he was an egg and never should've been sitting on that wall in the first place. Honestly, what are a bunch of horses going to do?


Mary: We wanna hide the goods but not hide the goods. You feel me?
Kate: Ok, the goal is to blend in.
Mary: Yeah, but at this place, standing out is blending in.

Mary: Congratulations! On behalf of the medical profession, both licensed and unlicensed, I'd like to offer my sincerest 'WHATUP!' on shutting down that chop shop. I wasn't sure how you guys celebrated.
Kate: Usually by icing my knuckles.

Both you and Bruce stared into the abyss. The question is, how long are you going to let it stare back at you?


So, insider tip, my scissors should not be able to cut through your super-suit.


Kate: That's one way to take someone's head off.
Alice: Oh, now she's giving me pointers on how to be evil.

Your heart is in the right place. Your ribs, however, are not.


Batwoman Season 1 Quotes

What's UP, Candy Kane?

Tommy Elliot

Both you and Bruce stared into the abyss. The question is, how long are you going to let it stare back at you?
