Montana: Not another stick.
Donna: I'm not here to clash. I only want to help us get out of here.
Montana: Says the bitch who punched me in the throat. I suggest you leave now before I get the urge to kick more of your ass.
Donna: I thought I could help people all around the world. I never would have put you in harm's way otherwise.
Xavier: The hell are you talking about?
Donna: Mr. Jingles. I released him. I lead him to the camp. What happened here tonight, it's my fault.
Xavier: You did this to me? Look at my fucking face!
Donna: I wrapped his parts in the staff lot. If the three of us pull together we can survive this.
Xavier: No, it's your fault I'm a monster. It's your fault I'll never be on the cover of TV Guide. It's your fault my future is in radio.

Margaret: Why did you come back here?
Mr. Jingles: To finish what I started.

Hey Rambo, my class isn't for posers. This is aerobics. It's serious.


Trevor: Did you see what I said? We have to get out of here.
Margaret: All I can hear are children saying summer has been ruined.

Xavier: Bertie?
Bertie: Kitchen's closed, hon. Unless you're looking for a midnight snack.
[Bertie makes cat noise.]

I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to get away, have a fun summer. A little fresh air, some canoeing. Archery.


Brooke: What's a Ninja?
Montana: A badass motorcycle.

I believe in baby Jesus, and I believe in you.


Pain is all I've ever known. Pain is how the world's always talked to me. Why shouldn't pain be the way I talk back?


Margaret: Who are you?
Richard: A servant of the Lord's son.
Margaret: You're a Christian?
Richard: The other one. The one he cast out.

Shit. I think he was checkin' me out.


Chet: Do either of you know who he is?
Ray: He's the dead guy with a fuckin' hole in his head!

American Horror Story Quotes

There's not going to be a swimming pool, you stupid slut.


I needed to believe that a normal life was possible after Camp Redwood, a glimmer of hope after all that darkness. Your dad was that for me.
