Donna: Every horror movie has a final girl.
Brooke: Final girl?
Donna: The one who survives it all and lives to tell the tale.

Worker: Hey man, who are you with?
Richard: Satan.
Worker: Right on.

  • Permalink: Right on.
  • Added:

You stay, you die.


Counselor: So gross. Aren't you bored of this by now?
Counselor #2: Seriously. I haven't wanted to touch a living person since 1972.

Woman: Hello? Your music is very loud. We have to wake up early for Disney Land. Please turn it down.
Night Stalker: Idol only plays one way. Full throttle. What, you don't got Billy Idol in France?

Night Stalker: You're starting to be a real drag, you know that?
Benjamin: I've been your little sidekick for a year. I'm tired, I don't like your music, I don't like living like an animal.
Night Stalker: It's not so bad.
Benjamin: And I've had to watch you kill. Do you even keep track? Because I do. 11. It's a start. I see their faces, I see them all. I can't do it anymore.
Night Stalker: That's not your decision to make, Satan gave you life. You serve at his pleasure. That's the deal. If you break that deal, if you bail, there will be hell to pay. Literally.

Montana: Take a picture, it'll last longer.
Photographer: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.
Montana: Relax, I'm just teasing. You another one of those true crime tourists?
Photographer: Oh god, no. I'm here for the waterfall. This lake is a rest stop on the pacific flyway. Ducks migrate from as far as Patagonia.
Montana: Neat.
Photographer: Yeah, hoping to catch a green wing teal with my new lens. It was a birthday present.
Montana: Happy Birthday. There's no ducks around here, but you can take my picture.
Photographer: Um, sure.
Montana: Top on or off?
Photographer: Um, you shouldn't. I'm here with my girlfriend.
Montana: I won't tell if you won't. What's this?
Photographer: My fanny pack.
Montana: Can I unzip it? Mmm, that's nice. You wanna stick it in me, birthday boy?
Photographer: Oh God, yes.
Montana: Me first.

  • Permalink: Me first.
  • Added:

Idol only plays one way. Full throttle.


Donna: Dad?
Donna's Dad: Dede. What the hell are you doing here?
Donna: Mom said you been disappearing a lot. I thought you were just running around behind her back, I didn't expect this.
Donna's Dad: You were never supposed to know this side of me. No one was.
Donna: How long?
Donna's Dad: My entire life. It's a pain, I wake up with a hunger, and I can't satisfy it, no matter how much I feed it. I was born with this. Now, I'm dying with it.
Donna: No one is born with that kind of darkness.
Donna's Dad: Do you really believe that?
Donna: I know it, you're not evil. You raised me, you love me, this is not you, this is not my daddy. Please daddy, please just put the knife down. I'm a psychologist. I can help you. You can change. Please, Dad.
Donna's Dad: I almost believed you Dede.

Brooke: Do you think we should wake him up? I don't think you're supposed to sleep with a concussion.
Montana: I think the less he sees of this night, the better.
Brooke: Yeah, I guess you're right. Don't you think it was kinda weird that Margaret didn't mention the camper's boat before?
Montana: Yeah, well she's a weird chick.

Montana: Highway to heaven man. I used to love an audition on the books, possible two-episode arc as a cheery bellhop. How is a burn victim every supposed to play cheery?
Montana: I don't like this, Brooke should be back by now. Screw this, you stay here. I'm gonna find her.

Montana: Not another stick.
Donna: I'm not here to clash. I only want to help us get out of here.
Montana: Says the bitch who punched me in the throat. I suggest you leave now before I get the urge to kick more of your ass.
Donna: I thought I could help people all around the world. I never would have put you in harm's way otherwise.
Xavier: The hell are you talking about?
Donna: Mr. Jingles. I released him. I lead him to the camp. What happened here tonight, it's my fault.
Xavier: You did this to me? Look at my fucking face!
Donna: I wrapped his parts in the staff lot. If the three of us pull together we can survive this.
Xavier: No, it's your fault I'm a monster. It's your fault I'll never be on the cover of TV Guide. It's your fault my future is in radio.

American Horror Story Quotes

There's not going to be a swimming pool, you stupid slut.


I needed to believe that a normal life was possible after Camp Redwood, a glimmer of hope after all that darkness. Your dad was that for me.
