I'm Big Bird, MotherF...


Howard: At least it's not just any bird, it's Big Bird. He pulls some weight on that street and he's rich.
Lydia: Is he?
Howard: Well, it's never said explicitly, but he lives in Manhattan.

The only damning thing I could find about you is that you once ate a cupcake out of the garbage, which, honestly makes me like you more.


Stephie: Your data sounds very sexist.
Stu: Do you want to die alone?

Zelda: You went to a Raiders game, with a case of Zima in the trunk of your white Jetta?
Andrew: I'm a little unclear of what your issue is right now.

Do you think that couple has always not talked? Or have they just been together long enough they've run out of things to say to each other? Which makes less sense to me because I'm sure that if we're together in 30 years, I'll still be gabbing on, as evidenced by this rambling monologue, which I will now wrap up.


Howard: What are you watching?
Lydia: War Games. This movie is hilarious.

For 18 minutes, they small talk. Discussing the most inane crap you can imagine.


Andrew: Whatever happened to 'playing it cool' ?
Stu: I'm not a role model.

You have to admit he's a fit bastard.


Howard: This app is a lot like Tindr.
Lydia: No. It is not like Tindr. They swipe. We tap. You see a person you like and you 'tap' that.

Stu: I know she's not a crazy person who sits around writing 'Zeldrew' on a piece of paper.
Andrew: It's our celebrity supercouple name.

A to Z Quotes

You can try a child as an adult, but not the other way around....No. It does not matter if the crime is adorable.


The idea is to keep them paying the monthly fee. They won't do that if they get married
