It would be weird to have a monthiversary party. Oh, look at me, I'm warming up to that word.


I'm not going anywhere. 'Cause in 2 weeks, I get my wisdom teeth out and I need you because I am not good with pain


Zelda: It was so bad. I was doing that thing where I was floating outside my body and I could just see myself.
Andrew: That's funny, your Uncle Dave said the same thing to me.

Show some respect. A woman of some relation to Zelda is dead.


All of these people talking about their feelings, it's kind of my jam.


You know what. I bet 6 months from now we could be really happy together at a funeral.


Stu: I wanna beat you like a red headed step-child.
Andrew: Aren't you a red headed step-child?
Stu: I'm sandy blonde.

One time she flicked a cab driver off and cut him off. I had never seen that before. I liked it.


You're going to have to do it [eulogy] for me because I am currently smelling colors.

Uncle Dave

I'm not leaving unless it smells like a dead mermaid.


Lydia: My mother used to say, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body."
Howard: I'm sorry to hear that.

Andrew and Zelda, like a lot of new couples, spent much of their time arm in arm. To the point that Zelda's friend, Stephie, compared them to a pair of figure skaters.


A to Z Quotes

You can try a child as an adult, but not the other way around....No. It does not matter if the crime is adorable.


The idea is to keep them paying the monthly fee. They won't do that if they get married
