Abby: I don't know what to do. I'm so much better when it's someone else's emergency.
Buck: No one is good when it's personal. But we got this, okay. We're gonna find your mom, promise.
Abby: Okay, how are we going to do it?
Buck: One mile at a time.

Abby: She down already? You're good.
Carla: She's down, but now out. I just threw in her favorite DVD.
Abby: Overboard?
Carla: Yup. As I call it "Patricia Clark's lullaby." Just give it 20 minutes, she'll be out like a light. Hasn't failed me once. God bless Goldie Hawn and that mouth-watering white boy.

That badge says Los Angeles airport police. And now you're telling me that you're taking orders from CEOs? An industry who's motto is "the customer is always the moron?" They make a billion dollars a year on baggage fees, and you're on their side? Your knees pressing against the seat in front of you because they want to add three extra rows, and you're on their side? Five damn peanuts in that bag, and you're on their side?


What, a plane just crashed and some jackass is complaining about not getting his extra bag of nuts? No sir, not today.


Laila: You are in such trouble, my father's an attorney.
Athena: Tax attorney.

Buck: It's been like, 14 hours. How long does it take to pull a rod out of a guy's skull anyway?
Hen: You ever heard that saying, "It ain't brain surgery?" Well, this is.

Chimney: How come I'm not dead?
Bobby: Because you are the luckiest and the unluckiest son of a bitch on the face of the earth all at the same time.

Hen: Oh, oh, so you're fleeing the scene? You do realize that you lose points for murdering people on the way to a fire.
Buck: It's fine, its a flesh wound. Obamacare.

My family is everything to me. And there ain't no trouble from the inside, or evil from the outside that's going to tear it apart. Now we may be buried in it up to our necks right now, and I may want to slap you with my left hand, but my right hand is holding you and the kids tight.


Abby: I'm not asking out that fireman. He's way too young for me.
Carla: Girl, you're a hot spiced pumpkin latte. You're sitting around getting cool when there is a big ol' hunk of man that would love to burn his tongue on you.

Howie: Five bucks says that guy's getting laid tonight.
Hen: A guy ready to kill himself, and you think his girlfriend is turned on?

They wanted machines. People who could flip a switch in their head and turn off every natural human instinctive emotion in their body, and I cannot do that. I don't want to do that. I love this job because I get to be the tough guy, but I also get to help people.


9-1-1 Season 1 Quotes

Athena: Hey, you do not get to choose who lives and who dies.
Buck: Really, because I was under the impression that kind of was my job.

Come on, Bobby, see the fire, put out the fire, the rest is blah-blah.
