Hen: I'm just saying maybe this guy is not all bad. Michael has an okay track record picking them.
Athena: I wouldn't care if he's dating the Dalai Lama.
Hen: I know. Michael being with somebody else is hard.
Athena: What's hard is that somehow we decided that what's best for the kids is that we stay together and try to play happy modern family. All that means to me is that Michael gets to keep having the cake of living in my house and eating it too.

Athena: My advice, you let it go long enough, there ain't no coming back from "fine." Everything was fine in my marriage until the bomb went off.
Hen: Athena, I appreciate your concern, but we're good. Karen's not a bomb waiting to go off.
Athena: I wasn't talking about her.

Yoga instructor: They say when a full moon's half way between the eastern horizon and it's highest point it can induce labor.
[Three pregnant women scream]
Yoga Instructor: I knew I should have cancelled this class.

Bobby: You read this in a peer-reviewed, scientific publication?
Buck: I don't know. Is the internet considered a scientific publication?

Abby: I do not buy into all that full moon BS.
Buck: Buy into? No, no, no, it is science. Every full moon, the freaks come out. Crime increases, emergency rooms are packed, animals and kids go nuts.
Abby: No, in my experience, anyone who is going to be an idiot on the full moon, is going to be an idiot on the half moon, or the quarter moon, or the new moon.

Athena: Get your hands off me!
Melora: How am I supposed to cut your heart out if I can't touch you?

Doctor: Thank you Officer, you may have saved a life tonight.
Athena: Well I can't think of anything better than delivering a heart on Valentine's Day.
Doctor: That was a kidney.

One of the things I realized when I was gone was that I really need you people...like I need a hole in the head!


Bobby: You think it's just women who run the companies who are trying to sell you those things?
Buck: Well, they're at least in on it.
Bobby: Well, I know plenty of women who don't like Valentine's Day, and plenty of guys who love it.

Buck: That is the most amount of time I have ever spent with a woman I want to have sex with, without actually having sex with her.
Abby: My mom?
Buck: It's that nightdress. It's so hot.

Buck: You've not had sex in almost a year?
Abby: No, I haven't had sex in a year.
Buck: Not even with yourself?
Abby: I didn't say that.

148 people died in that fire including...I killed them. My own kids, my own family. I murdered them in their sleep. Choked them on smoke and I burned their little bodies.


9-1-1 Season 1 Quotes

Athena: Hey, you do not get to choose who lives and who dies.
Buck: Really, because I was under the impression that kind of was my job.

Come on, Bobby, see the fire, put out the fire, the rest is blah-blah.
