Grace: I need you to take your shoulder and slam it up against one of the rods to dislocate it. 
Imp: What? No. I may be a masochist, but I'm not crazy. Can't the people coming here just untie me?
Grace: I'm afraid they're not going to make it in time, but if you dislocate the shoulder, you should be able to bring your arm up over your head to untie yourself. 

Love hurts, Marjan, but regret, that hurts a lot more.


T.K: I thought you were out to them?
Carlos: I am.
TK: Wow, well that's even worse. You're out to them, and you still didn't tell them that I'm your boyfriend.
Carlos: It's more complicated than that. 
TK: Can it be?
Carlos: Look, not all of us were raised in Manhattan with parents who couldn't tear the closet door off fast enough. My parents are more traditional. I just don't like to rub their noses in it.
TK: Rub their noses in it? You didn't want to rub their noses in the fact that you have somebody who loves you and you supposedly love back? I freed some more space in your closet, Carlos.

TK: Friend from work? If I was your friend from work, then what we did this morning would be very unprofessional.
Carlos: Yeah, HR would definitely have its hands full with that one.

Salim: Look, I know you're not ready to get married, but I am. Just not to you. 
Marjan: What? Wait, are you breaking up with me?
Salim: Answer me one thing, Marjan. Have you ever been in love with me? 
Marjan: What? Of course, I love you.
Salim: No, that's not what I asked, in love I mean in romantically, I mean passion.

Carlos: So why does it have to be Miami? They have teeth in Texas. Why can't he just open up a dental practice here?
TK: Well, both their families are in Florida.
Carlos: Family. Right. Yeah, I get it. It takes a lot to leave that behind.
TK: Would you?
 Carlos: For the right person, sure. 

Marjan: This is a big deal. We've never had a date without a chaperone. Unmarried couples aren't really supposed to.
Paul: He's here for a reason.
Mateo: Reason, what reason?
Paul: He's tired of waiting. 
Marjan: I think you might be right.
Mateo: Tired of waiting for what?
Paul: The man is here to claim his bride, Probie.
Mateo: What? No, we had a deal. He's supposed to finish dental school first. Do we even know what kind of grades he's getting? This is wrong. You can't move to Miami now. You said we still had a few years.
Marjan: I thought we did. 

Paul: I didn't see a lot of heat coming from you two last night.Marjan: Seripusly, you too?Paul: It's not a cultural thing, alright? it's just an observation. I didn't peg you two as a couple. 
Marjan: No, you thought he was my stalker 
Mateo: I thought he was your brother.
Marjan: Guys, your thinking is so Western. When you marry for chemistry, there's a 50% divorce rate. You know why ours is 10% lower? Because we don't start with heat. We believe love is something you grow into.

Wedding Planner: From what I can tell only the people who had the fish got sick, though I can't say we got a lot of compliments on the chicken either.
Judd: Score one for red meat.

911 Operator: 9-1-1 what's your emergency?
Guest: It's worse than the red wedding.

Mateo: Oh, so you know this guy?
Salim: Only our whole lives.
Mateo: You Marjan's brother or something? 
Marjan: Salim's my fiance.

Bartender: I've seen you here before, right? 
T.K.: Yeah, were you here the night Crusher got impaled? I was one of the firefighters who responded.
Bartender: Firefighter, huh? Sign me up for the calendar.
Carlos: And his boyfriend is a cop.