Sometimes it's not what people say, it's what they don't say.


Judd: Hold on a sec.
Grace: What's wrong?
Judd: I just ... love you, that's all.

Judd: I never thought I would be protecting her from him.
Tommy: Who's going to protect you from Grace if she finds out?

Owen: Maybe we should just do the logical thing.
Gwyn: I'll schedule an appointment.

Nobody likes to say the hard thing.


Paul: You know him, don't you?
Judd: I thought I did.
Paul: It's your father in law, isn't it?
Judd: That's Grace's daddy.
Paul: And that's not her mom, is it?
Judd: No, it ain't.

Fifty Shades of Grace. 

911 Operator

I'm pregnant, Owen.


TK: They seem like such nice people.
Carlos: They are nice people, but they aren't perfect people.
TK: You know my parents may be very queer-friendly, but they're not perfect either. They gave me a pep talk that felt more about them than about me.
Carlos: That explains a lot.
TK: There was something that my mom did that -- she said I felt triggered because I didn't feel safe in this relationship. 
Carlos: I see. I'm sorry to hear that.
TK: But you know what I didn't see is how unsafe you feel and have felt for so much of your life. I want you to know I'm fully on board. You can tell your parents I'm your friend, your colleague, your personal shopper for as long as you need.
Carlos: And if it never changes?
TK: Nothing stays the same, Carlos.

Judd: You want the cream without having to buy the cow...
Owen: No, I want the cow. I'm not really thrilled with this metaphor.
Judd: Well, you can call it whatever you like to, but I'm seeing that you get all the benefits with none of the commitment.
Owen: What are you talking about? I'm the one who asked her to stay.
Judd: She's the one who left everything.

Every time I put a label on something, it ends up being an expiration date.


Grace: Imp, you have to help her.
Imp: I can't! I'm scared. I don't come here to be frightened. I come here to be humiliated.
Grace: Well, what a sorry excuse for a sub
.Imp: I-I, what?
Grace: You're not worthy to be on this call right now, are you? Cowering like a worthless little nub. Tell me, Imp, what comes after Beta? 
Imp: Permission to speak, your grace?
Grace: Permission denied. See, you've crossed the wrong queen now. We both know how pathetic you are. You look at baby carrots with envy. You haven't earned the right to be speaking to me. 
Imp: Please, your grace, I'll do it. Is it going to hurt? 
Grace: Oh, like hell, and I expect a thank you for the pain.
Imp: Yes, your grace.