Liz: Have you ever updated your Flash player? It is so sad. What happens to version 11.4?
Jack: Oh, what now?
Liz, yelling: I'm taking hormone shots to have a baby you son of a bitch!

Are you doping, Liz Lemon? That stuff will shrink your testicles, but there are bad side effects as well.


Tracy: Point is, I won't be at rehearsal all this week.
Liz: No, Tracy!
Tracy: Exactly. No Tracy. Thanks for being so understanding.

Liz: You are not the center of the universe, Jenna.
Jenna: I am too. I'm the moon.

Colleen: My father did not kill dozens of Germans so that his daughter could die in a van.
Jack: But he wasn't even in the war.

I didn't trust that scout master. He was always wearing shorts.


Liz: Listen Jenna, I didn't mean to steal your thunder.
Jenna: My whole life is thunder.

As long as she's in New York, I'm doing absolutely nothing. I got the idea from watching your President Obama the last four years.


The woman's constant disapproval of me will keep her alive...forever.


Oh my goodness, the ceremony will be broadcast on Lifetime, oh dot com, backslash garbage file?


Liz: I'm 42, Cerie.
Cerie: I don't know what that is.

Tehnically I am an A-Lister now, because I was on A List to date Tom Cruise.


30 Rock Quotes

Jack: Are you familiar with the GE tri-vection oven?
Liz: I don't cook very much.
Jack: Sure... I gotcha. New York, third-wave feminist, college-educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over-scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says "healthy body image" on the cover, and every two years you take up knitting for ... a week.
Pete: That is dead on!
Liz: What, are you going to guess my weight now?
Jack: You don't want me to do that.

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman.
