Delgado: If you want to confess, I’m not your man. God lost my number.
Mayhem: I’m not asking God to hear me. I found a person that I thought would lead me to my bad guy Connors, but it turns out he was just another dead end.
Delgado: And you killed him for that?
Mayhem: No, I killed him because I felt he deserved it.
Delgado: Are you worried about your soul? God’s reckoning?
Mayhem: Here’s the thing, sins have weight, guilt attached to them. I don’t feel any of that. If I have a soul, it’s not in this body.

Brigid: So, when I went into the water after I was shot, I divided into two?
Mina: Yep. So, you and your twin have the same DNA, the same fingertips, even the same memories up until the point of the split.
Tyrone: But very distinct personalities?
Mina: Yeah, you said it.

Tandy: How is there two of you? And this other “you,” she slit this guy’s throat open with her own hand. She’s crazy strong and crazy homicidal.
Brigid: She’s not me!
Tandy: She’s got your face and she’s got your badge! She pointed a gun at us, she killed this guy in the ambulance, and all the people at the club!
Tyrone: Tandy! Give her a minute, okay?
Tandy: Okay, I’m sorry. I’m sorry she just … I mean, how did this happen? Was there some sort of lightning strike?
Tyrone: Tandy, she doesn’t know what happened.

Brigid: Hold it right there!
[Brigid raises her gun as Mayhem walks through the door]
Mayhem: Seriously?
Brigid: You have the right to remain silent.
Mayhem: Or what? Are you going to shoot me?
[Brigid hesitates]
Mayhem: Bam!
[Brigid flinches from the sound]
Mayhem: Now you’re making both of us bad. If you were going to shoot me … shoot me.
[Brigid lowers her gun]
Mayhem: That’s what I thought.
[Mayhem walks away]
Mayhem: Loser.

Tyrone: Are you ready?
Evita: For what?
[Tyrone teleports behind her]
Evita: Did I just ... did you just??
Tyrone: That’s what I can do.
Evita: How did you? How long have you been able to do that?
Tyrone: It all started around 6 or 7, but I got better at controlling it around when the city went crazy.
Evita: So, like eight months ago?
[Evita hits Tyrone]
Evita: You serious! You telling me you could just do that this entire time and you didn’t think to come and tell me you were safe?
Tyrone: Evita...
Evita: Tyrone, no! No...
[Evita walks away]

Brigid 2: Pathetic. Look at yourself. Look at yourself! Just absolutely ... pathetic.
Brigid 1: Who are you?
Brigid 2: I always knew that you were weak. Just a scared girl pretending to be brave; pretending to be the police. Well, you’ve had your chance. It’s my turn now.

Tandy: All good?
Tyrone: Think so.
Tandy: Good. Okay, so what do we do now?
Tyrone: I don’t know. I guess we just hang out until it’s over and I can collect the recorder.
Tandy: Hang out? Are you saying that “Tyrone Johnson” is going to “hang out” at a drinking and dancing establishment with nothing to do but enjoy himself?
Tyrone: You know I don’t drink.
Tandy: Nah, that’s okay. I can drink for the both of us.

Tyrone: Hey, what she do? The lady with the SUV?
Tandy: It wasn’t her. It was her husband. It’s possible I’m not over my dad the way that I wish I was over my dad. Then I want to hurt someone. And since he’s not around, I’m trying to find other people who can stand to take on a little hurt.
Tyrone: Yeah, I think I’m still working some stuff out too. Hitting these gangs, causing all this trouble ‘cause I’m angry.
Tandy: At who?
Tyrone: The world, I think.

Clary: Did you miss me?
Jonathan: I told you I did.
Clary: Next time you want to send a message like that ... use email.
Jonathan: I’ll admit it was a little dramatic. It got your attention, didn’t it?
Clary: Being back at the Institute ... having to play Jace’s virginal little girl again ... it got real old real fast. I missed our life together.

Magnus: I’ve had many, many happy memories in this apartment. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a thing. But my magic, it makes me feel alive. Yes, I can do fabulous tricks, jet around the world, and help the people I love, but more than that, magic connects me to ... everything around me. Without magic, I feel like a stranger. The world keeps on going, and it’s like I’m not a part of it. It’s like suddenly I don’t matter.
Alec: Magus, of course, you matter!
Magnus: I know. I know, Alexander. Everyone does, but without magic, I can’t feel it. This apartment is not important; I have you and I have my magic. Truly that is enough.

Clary: You never told me you knew how to ice skate.
Jace: Well, I don’t ... yet. I was kinda hoping you could show me how it’s done.
Clary: It’s been a while since I’ve been on the ice. What gave you this idea?
Jace: Well, there’s a photo on your dresser of you and your mom. You’re at Rockefeller Center and you look really happy in your little skate costume. I knew it was something I had to do for you.
Clary: That’s so thoughtful.

Jordan: Where’s your phone?
[Maia checks her phone]
Maia: No service.
Jordan: Where’s Simon? He’s going to panic if he doesn’t hear from you.
Maia: I don’t think so. We broke up.
[Awkward silence]
Jordan: Alright, we just have to sit tight. Someone will come for us eventually.
Maia: Who?! My whole pack just got slaughtered, Luke stepped down, and the Jade Wolf is freaking closed on Mondays.
[Maia pounds on the pantry door]
Maia: Hello! Is anybody out there?! Hello?!?!
Jordan: I forgot you’re claustrophobic.
Maia: I swear I’m going to wolf out if we don’t get out of here.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.