Mina: Was I subtle? You’re not welcome!
Tandy: You’re putting your whole crew in danger.
Mina: Who the hell do you think you are?!
Tandy: Look, Mina, you gotta listen to me...
Mina: Why do you keep talking to me like you know me? What? Nathan Bowen’s little princess gets to act like we’re best friends?!
Tandy: No ... no, I don’t know why but...
Mina: My name is “Dr. Hess” as far as you’re concerned.

Andre: It’s too late. He’s dead.
Tandy: I’m so sorry!
Andre: I’m sorry too. He’d still be alive if you hadn’t brought him into this. You hurt everyone you touch. Now is the time to give up before you hurt someone else.
[Tandy hands Andre her white dagger]

Tandy: I couldn’t swim to shore by myself, but you saw me. Nine years old and you dove in to save some random girl. You saved my whole family in the process.
Tyrone: Okay, you’re over-hyping it.
Tandy: I’m not! That whole crash made my folks get their s*** together. I mean now look at them. You saved us and you STILL want to keep on giving.
Tyrone: So?
Tandy: So, compared to that, what am I doing with my life?
Tyrone: Right, “Prima Ballerina” hasn’t accomplished anything?!
Tandy: Ha-ha.

Tandy: So, what? You get inside peoples’ heads? Make them feel pain so it can take away yours?
Andre: Ninety percent of the time, the people that come my way are helped. I give them counseling, choices, shelter ... but the other 10%, they can’t be helped. So they help me.
Tandy: You’re despicable.

Tyrone: How did this happen?
Tandy: Way too quickly. I went in for ... the other Brigid, but Connors was there. She tried to kill him, I protected him, and I was blown back out. I grabbed for her, I swear, Ty.
Tyrone: But instead you freed the man who killed my brother? He could be anywhere now. He could be after Brigid ... my parents.
Tandy: Okay, so we find him!
Tyrone: Look, how could you let this happen?!
Tandy: I got screwed too, Ty. Okay, I went in there to get leads on the a****** responsible for what happened to those girls and I got zero.

Connors: Tyrone Johnson. I’ve been waiting for you.
Tyrone: Bet you have.
Connors: I ... I want to help you.
Tyrone: With what?
[Connors slides gun to Tyrone]
Connors: By putting me behind bars.

Tyrone: What is going on right now?
Tandy: Her name is Leah. She can help me find someone, I think her ex boyfriend might know something about the scumbags taking those girls. But, order for her to tell me more, I need common ground.
Tyrone: So, am I your boyfriend or your pimp?
Tandy: I mean either one will do.
Tyrone: So, you called your Black friend?
Tandy: No, I called my best friend! Ty, come on, if it were you, you would do the same thing for me.
Tyrone: I wouldn’t use you or lie to you or break a promise to get you out.
Tandy: I didn’t break a promise. You cut me loose, and you didn’t even need me.
Tyrone: You’re right. From the way you’re acting, maybe I don’t need you at all.
[Tyrone walks away]

Tandy: It’s all people like him understand. Strength. Resistance. You have to choose to fight back. You have to refuse to be a victim, and you have to take away their power.
[Tandy notices the ambulance; Leah shocks her with a taser and Tandy collapses]
Leah: Sounds like a plan.

Adina: So, this Evita, how does she know so much about vampires?
Tyrone: Her father owns one of those voodoo shops in the Quarter. She does those tours, you know.
Adina: Yeah, I know. I’ve never been on one. How many have you been on?
[Tyrone laughs]
Tyrone: Hey, don’t worry about that.
Adina: A mother needs to worry about that.

Tyrone: What if I’m not afraid of you?
[Tandy raises her white dagger]
Tandy: You always have been at some level.
[She throws the dagger at Tyrone]
Tyrone: Nah, I’m probably the only person on this earth who knows the real you.
Tandy: You know what I’ve been through, what I’m capable of, but it goes both ways. I see your darkness too.

Tandy: Are you alright?
Papa Legba: I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. What about you?
Tandy: I don’t know. I walked through this door that my friend made.
Papa Legba: Tyrone. Your divine pairing.
Tandy: So, you get that channel?
Papa Legba: We get all the channels.
Tandy: So that means you’re not fun-size Tyrone?
Papa Legba: Nope.
Tandy: So, what’s your name?
Papa Legba: I have too many. I am that which stands at the crossroads. St. Peter. Faterbon. Papa Legba.

Mayhem: What?
Tandy: You look exactly like her.
Mayhem: Why not that she looks exactly like you?
Tandy: Because she’s Brigid.
Mayhem: And what does that make me?
Tandy: You’re the toxic side. The pain, the anger, the…
Mayhem: The what?
Tandy: The mayhem.
Mayhem: Hey, well, with a little mayhem, it’s one way to shake up the status quo.
Tandy: Sometimes the status quo is okay.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.