Victoria: Amanda Clarke has dug a grave for me tonight.
Margaux: And I won't let her put you in it.

Amanda Clarke is chaos theory and I cannot let this continue.

Margaux: I'm just trying to keep my baby safe.
Victoria: I understand. I'm still trying to do the same for my baby.

Emily: Tell Margaux to leave Jack and Carl alone. She is doing everything she can to tear that family apart.
Victoria: Oh, Margaux. What's left of her family is nothing but rubble. She's in mourning.
Emily: Well she's got a really screwed up way of dealing with it.

[to David] Well, I guess there's a silver lining to not killing me after all.

Lyman: My apologies. I couldn't help but overhear.
Victoria: No one ever means that.

You and Emily need more time together and I need to mourn my son. We need to go our separate ways, David. Goodbye.

Emily: You driven by the guilt you have for what you did to him?
Victoria: Love is complicated.

[to Malcolm] You don't put a majestic peacock in a cage with a howler monkey.

[to Emily] Who would have thought that after all was said and done, you and I would die together?

Emily: I am sorry about Daniel.
Victoria: I know.

Victoria: I won't be a prisoner to your lies anymore.
David: I was a prisoner for two decades because of yours.

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
