Kate: I work for the United States taxpayers, Mrs.Grayson.
Victoria: Oh, and I do so miss my dearly departed husband!

David: I sat 10 years in a jail cell alone. Or did you not know I was innocent?
Victoria: Of course I knew.
David: Well then where the hell were you?

Victoria: What are you doing with Louise Ellis?
Daniel: What's it to you?
Victoria: This girl is mentally imbalanced!
Daniel: Oh, so she's a friend of yours?

[to Charlotte] You are not a victim so stop choosing to act like one. Now if you want a relationship with your father, fight for it. And if you want my respect, you earn it.

Victoria: We have all been to hell and back.
Charlotte: Mine was a one way trip.

[to Emily] I owe you so much more than a quick death. Buckle up, sweetheart.

Victoria: What are you doing in my house?
Emily: I'm paying the mortgage.

In my lifetime, I've come to understand that there are three ways for a person to disappear. The first is to die. The second is to lie. And the last is to be reborn. It was after my former husband's six months ago that my transformation began. I made my peace with those who have wronged me and with those who I've wronged. No one moreso than Emily Thorne.

Victoria: From the second I laid eyes on you, I knew something was wrong. And now this is where it ends. Fitting.
Emily: I don't think we've come to the end just yet, Victoria.

Aiden: Emily will win.
Victoria: Loyal to the bitter end. It's a beautiful sentiment and an even better epitaph. Goodbye, Mr. Mathis.

Victoria: I hope you know how much I love you, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Oh, like you loved David Clarke?

Goodbye, Conrad. Do rot in Hell.

Revenge Quotes

Aiden: Double infinitiy.
Emily: A journey with no end.

Envy can be a powerful motivator.
