Serena: When you told me you were pregnant I said that I would be there for you, no matter what, and I haven't been. And I'm sorry.
Blair: Well you had a work crisis.
Serena: Yeah, but the truth is I was jealous.
Blair: Well if it makes you feel better marrying a prince isn't what fairytales would lead you to believe.
Serena: No, that's not what I was jealous about. You're the star of Dan's book.
Blair: Well as I said, it's pure fiction.

Serena: I finally finished the book.
Dan: I told you, it's not you. Yes, there are parts of you. And Daisy Buchanan. And Amy March. And Gwyneth Paltrow. Five different roles she's played. But it's a novel. It's inspired by a lot of things. It isn't speaking to some deeper truth.
Serena: Are you sure? Because I know this may sound crazy or selfish or... like I'm living in the past or something. But you were the love of my life, Dan. I don't know, I just thought I was yours too.

Serena: I followed Jane all the way done to her town car apologizing, and even then I don't think it was enough. Thank you for waiting.
Dan: I didn't want to. You scared away everyone, and now no one wants the book.
Serena: Dan—
Dan: Your apology this morning was just strategic, wasn't it?
Serena: Yeah. Pretty much.

Blair: I have an idea for you: quit. Your boss is a bitch. Let's go to lunch.
Serena: My job is important to me, B. You have six months to deal with your problem. I have six minutes to deal with mine. Goodbye.

Jane: Why are you gossiping when a deal you're running point on is falling apart on live television?
Serena: I'm sorry. This is Blair, my best friend. I figured maybe she could help.
Jane: This isn't high school. This is my business. I told you not to embarrass me.

Hey Jane. I swallowed my pride and outrage and did what you asked. We should have Dan's book later today.

Serena: I may have overreacted about how you portrayed me in the book.
Dan: Thank you so much. You know I have to admit it's been kind of hard. My dad and Nate and Blair still won't talk to me.
Serena: Well things are looking up then. One down, three to go.
Dan: Never thought you'd be the first.
Serena: I am full of surprises. You know that.

Serena: Hey. Jane.
Jane: Did you lock up the film option for Dan's book yet.
Serena: No, I just finished reading it unfortunately.
Jane: Need I remind you this is your chance to make up for blowing the Daniel Day Lewis deal.
Serena: No reminder necessary. I'm on it.

Jane: I want this book.
Serena: Well here it is.
Jane: I want the movie rights to this book.

Blair: I wish I was telling you this at a better time, but... I'm pregnant.
Serena: What? Oh my gosh, Blair! That's amazing. Wait, that's good news, right?
Blair: Well I was happy. So happy. But now, what if I'm in this alone.
Serena: No. You're not alone. Ever.

Dan: If you can't tell the difference between what I did to Blair and what I did to you, then maybe your portrayal in the book is more accurate than you thought.
Serena: That sounds exactly like something Dylan Hunter would say.

Dan: I'm sorry you're not hurt.
Serena: No, not hurt. Mystified. In high school, you were the only one who saw me for who I really was. Or who I wanted to be. You helped me be somebody that I was more proud of.
Dan: I didn't know.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.