Just be the bigger person and don't read any of them. Stay off Gossip Girl, okay?

Blair: It's bad enough you read my diary, but to publicly expose my naked thoughts is unconscionable.
Serena: B, I was never going to publish them. I just wanted to know I could. I was upset about you and Dan. And I'm so sorry. I never thought Gossip Girl would steal my computer with everything on it.
Blair: Well I took Dan's phone so he wouldn't see anything but I'm just postponing the inevitable if she keeps releasing pages.
Serena: I wouldn't worry about Dan. He's a writer. He knows that diaries are all about exploring thoughts. Like all those terrible things you said about me. That's not how you really feel.
Blair: It is now.

Dan: So what do you want to do?
Serena: I want to finish what Diana started. I want to take Gossip Girl down for good.
Nate: I'm with you. I think we should use The Spectator to do it.

Dan: You were right. She didn't need my confession, she needed my help.
Serena: Wow. That's a really amazing thing to do, Dan.
Dan: Yeah well. It wasn't easy. But I do think that I can give myself a new ending by making sure Chuck and Blair get the ending they deserve. I want her to be happy.

Serena: What's he doing?
Nate: Looks like he's helping Chuck and Blair finally be together.

Serena: Telling her your feelings is not going to change your ending, it's just going to mess with hers.
Dan: Well listen, the fact is, this doesn't concern you at all. I'm going to talk to Blair. And even if it's the biggest kami kaze disaster of my life, it's my disaster—it's my ending. So please, stay out of it.

You know the truth is I don't think I ever got it right before Dan. Or since then. Besides Nate he's probably the only good guy I've ever dated.

Serena: That's great about the second print of Inside. You'll be able to figure out the afterword.
Dan: I'm not so sure though. I've never been stuck like this before.
Serena: What? It seems like an amazing opportunity to see how the book changed you, how it changed everyone.
Dan: Did it really change anyone?
Serena: Yes! Seeing where our characters ended made us realize exactly where we didn't want to be. nate didn't want to be half a person and now he's running The Spectator. And Chuck went from dying alone to therapy.
Dan: What about you?
Serena: Well I thought I'd change my ending by getting the job with Jane or this blog, but the truth is I'm still making horrible decisions in my love life.

Dan: I'm starting to understand the appeal of heroin or womanizing or whatever it is that writers do when they can't write.
Serena: It's hard to find inspiration when you're not trashing your friends, huh?
Dan: Well at least I don't have the added pressure of it being turned into a movie. So thank you for that.

Diana: This is exactly why we need to work together on your blog. So Gossip Girl loses her power.
Serena: Or I just develop a thicker skin.

B. Whatever you're thinking, stop. Just work on your relationship with Louis. And let Chuck work on himself.

Serena: Why are you looking for Chuck?
Blair: I have no choice! He's trying to destroy my relationship with Louis because he knows it's vulnerable.
Serena: I'm pretty sure the only war Chuck is waging is with his own demons.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.