Castle: You're going to call off your dogs, right now.
Bracken: Or what? You going to write something mean about me?
Castle: I'm going to start a scholarship in your name and offer it to the children of the first inmate who shanks you in the prison laundry.

Name your price. Anything you say, I'll pay it. I just want my wife back.

Kate: I wish that you were coming with me.
Rick: What am I going to do, sit outside your office and fetch you coffee?
Kate: Yeah, you're great at fetching. I've trained you well.

If you wanted a binding agreement we should have pinky sweared.

Assassin: Your earlier stuff was better. You got soft once you met the skirt.
Castle: Everyone's a critic.

Assassin: Most people react differently to a gun in their side.
Castle: Yeah, well this kind of thing happens to me often.

Hayley: You really love her don't you?
Castle: Like a house on fire.

If Noah ends up walking you're going to have to have me committed.

One day you will look back and you will realize that every experience you ever had, every seeming mistake or blind alley was actually a straight line to who you were meant to be.

I'm driven to figure out the story because I could never figure out that one.

Really, it's your mannniversary? And I didn't get you anything.

Oh, absolutely not! You will not and do you know why? Because you're a fighter. What have you always told me? No one will give you anything in this life. You must earn it and look at you. Almost 20 years later and you're back on Broadway. You have earned this.

Castle Quotes

This isn't one of your books, Castle!


Kate: Are you here to annoy me?
Castle: I'm here for the story.