Felicity: I can't believe he's gonna marry her.
Malcolm: You should worry more about getting out of here alive.
Ray: Is that even a remote possibility?
Laurel: Oliver would never let that happen.
Diggle: He let this happen.

How do they get fed, and you know, complete the transaction, so to speak?

Oliver: Fight back, Ray, fight back!
Ray: He's. Too. Strong.
Oliver: This is not about strength. This is about heart. Ray, when the mayor was killed, you put yourself in harm's way to save Felicity. Normal people, they don't do that. Heroes do that.

Ray: How many abandoned warehouses are in this city? No, no, I'm genuinely curious.
Oliver: Stay focused, Ray.
Felicity: Maybe Simmons isn't in there.
Oliver: Do you get this anxious when I'm out in the field?
Felicity: I genuinely cannot think of an answer to that question that does not get me in trouble.
[Diggle looks at Oliver, shakes his head no]
Ray: There's not a visual sighting or any reading at all from the ATOM. I mean the suit, not myself in the third person.
Oliver: There's a decent chance that you and Palmer are related.
[Sarcastic glance from Felicity and return side glance from Oliver]

Ray: Whoa oh, hold on a second. I thought the whole point of this team up was you not being spotted out as a vigilante.
Oliver: Stop calling it a team-up, Ray.

Ray: And...you are OK with this?
Oliver: We need your help.
Ray: So it's a team up! High five!

Ray: So, you're saying, basically that if I have the surgery now that I could die and if we wait, and the clot moves, that I could die. What if I told you that I invented a bunch of teeny tiny robots, that are capable of entering my bloodstream, traveling to the clot and shrinking it, all without damaging my brain or any other organ in my body?
Doctor: I'd say you need a psych eval.

Felicity: You have no idea what he's been through, what he's lost, how he's grown. But I do. I know him better than almost anyone. Oliver didn't do this.
Ray: You have feelings for him.
Felicity: Yes. I mean, no! No! I did, but that's over now.
Ray: And, and, what? Now I'm supposed to trust you? From the moment we've met, I have held nothing back from you. I did trust you and I thought that you were someone that could be a true partner. I thought you were someone that I could rely on in the mission and in my life.
Felicity: I wanted that, too, Ray. I still do. Ray! What are you going to do?
Ray: I'm going to honor the promise I made to this city and I'm going to bring the Arrow to justice.

Ray: This isn't the first time he's been judge, jury and executioner.
Felicity: He hasn't killed anyone in nearly two years.
Ray: That really is not your best argument.

Felicity: What's going on? Ray?
Ray: Oliver Queen is the Arrow.
Felicity: What?
Ray: I have a 140 IQ and three PhDs, but it's pretty hard to insult my intelligence, but I'm pretty sure you just did. It all makes sense now. Your, ah, sudden disappearances, your apprehension of helping me with my mission. You've been working with the Arrow this whole time.

Diggle: I see you brought your plus one.
Ray: Nice to meet you. Ray Palmer.
Diggle: John Diggle. [whispering into Ray's ear] You hurt her, they'll never find your body. [louder] Nice to meet you!

Ray: You know what, sometimes I forget that we work together. When I'm with you, it's just you. I don't think about work or the mission or...[Felicity kisses him]
Felicity: I'm sorry.
Ray: I'm not. [more kissing]

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