Ray: I thought you weren't gonna help with my suicide mission.
Felicity: Well, that's the thing. With my help, you might not wind up dead.

Ray: I gotta be honest, I'd feel a little more confident in your aeronautic abilities if you knew, for instance, that helicopters don't actually have keys.
Felicity: They don't have keys?
Ray: No.
Felicity: Is it on the roof?
Ray: Yeah, it's on the roof.

Felicity: I was out of line and I'm sorry.
Ray: Do you want to tell me what had you so upset?
Felicity: I lost a friend of mine. He was more than a friend, actually. I'm not sure what we were, but he's gone.
Ray: I'm sorry.
Felicity: And three months ago another friend of mine died. I'm 25 years old. I'm over my quota where losing friends are concerned. And you're a friend. So if you want to go out there, if you want to commit suicide, I can't stop you, but I don't have to help you.

Ray: I'm sure you're wondering if I ever go home. Unfortunately for my assistant, the answer's no. Any luck with our nanite problems?
Felicity: No.
Ray: Yep. It's the transplex interface systems, isn't it? Yeah, I knew my designs were off.
Felicity: It won't...work.
Ray: Well, you've only been at it for a day, so...
Felicity: Not the chip, not your suit, your plan. It won't work.
Ray: You, you make it sound like an enhanced exoskeleton suit to fight crime and save the city is a loony idea.
Felicity: It won't bring her back. Anna. Your fiance. She's not coming back. When we lose someone, when someone dies, they're gone. Forever. And there is nothing, there is nothing, nothing that we can do that can bring them back. So you have to stop, you have to stop. It's what Anna would have wanted, it's...
Ray: You're upset, I can see that, and if you want we can talk about it, but don't tell me again what Anna would have wanted. You don't get to do that.
Felicity: I am sorry. I shouldn't be here right now.

Felicity: I know you think you're going to be safe inside that suit of armor, I know there's like a kajillion movies that make it look easy, but...
Ray: The Arrow and his partner go out there every night. Without armor.
Felicity: And one night, hopefully very off in the future, they're not going to come back. I don't want that to happen to you.

Ray: Advanced Technology Operating Mechanism. ATOM.
Felicity: What are you going to use it for?
Ray: To protect the people of this city. And I want you to help.
Felicity: Why does this keep happening to me?

Felicity: I think I made it pretty clear when I said I didn't want to talk about this.
Ray: You were, but you were also pretty wrong when you said I regretted kissing you. I can't imagine there's a man on the planet who would ever regret kissing you.

You know, Felicity Smoak, you're different than anyone I've ever met. You deserve all those things, and more.

This is Felicity Smoak, Vice President of Palmer Technologies.

Felicity: What happened to the thing?
Ray: Wow. You look ridiculous. Which I mean in a good way that's not creepy. You look beautiful.
Felicity: Oh. I think it's the dress.