Okay, when are we going to stop hearing from Reverend Marcus? It’s a job. Sometimes you get to save the day. Sometimes, you do this.

Quinn: Huck, why are you so mean to him?
Huck: He's normal.
Quinn: So?
Huck: He's a normal person, Quinn. We have to protect him. We can't let him be friends with us.

Huck: Where are you going?
Marcus: With her?
Huck: No you're not. You're more of an office guy.
Quinn: Huck's right. This guy could be dangerous.
Marcus: Then I'll hide behind her.
Huck: Fine. Your funeral.

Marcus: Everybody loves a good holiday party, right? What'd you guys do last year?
Quinn: We passed around a bottle of vodka on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and then we went to work because that's what Gladiators do.
Marcus: Bah, humbug.

Marcus: The White House isn't our client.
Quinn: She's the President's girlfriend. The White House is always our client. I hate the new normal.

Huck: She only said we couldn't lie. She didn't say we couldn't do other things.
Quinn: Huck...
Huck: I didn't say kill. You really need to let that go.

Quinn: Olivia Pope and Associates needs a mouthpiece. You're good with the press. You won't just be some corporate spinner. You'll be one of us. Look, the job is yours if you want it. It's the best job you'll ever have. You will change lives. You will slay dragons. You will love the hunt more than you ever have. I am not crazy. I'm a gladiator in a suit. That's what you are when you work at OPA. You're a gladiator in a suit. Do you want to be a gladiator in a suit?
Marcus: No.

Quinn: You're broke, Marcus. You're unemployed because you screwed the mayor's wife. You're damaged goods, but you're charming and attractive and you can drive a narrative. Plus, you know, stray dogs...
Marcus: Okay, now I see. You're crazy. You one of those crazy chicks?
Quinn: I'm offering you a job.

Quinn: I dispose of bodies and I get turned on by crime scenes. Hacking is hot. I am not your all-American girl and I don't want to be.
Huck: You're not wrong...about me. Something's wrong with me.
Quinn: That's my point. Something's wrong with me too.
Huck: I missed you. I missed you a lot.

Jake: How does a guy facing a murder charge even get bail?
Quinn: By being rich and white.

Jake, come on, make some noise for me. Come on. Oh, they got you. We let them get you.

There is no justice in this one. The good guys lose and white hats burn. We are done.

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
