Charlie: We gotta kill Jake.
Quinn: No way.
Charlie: Why not? Because Mr. Peabody out there says so or because if we do your boss will be sad?

Quinn: If we lose, if we lose Liv for good, I know what she is to you. I know how important she is. I know you need her. But I need you. You may be Liv's...puppy, but...I'm kind of yours.
Huck: It won't happen again.

Jake: Hey, I was calling you. Why didn't you answer?
Quinn: Did you have a different, stirring interpretation of the "Your Boss is Dead" monologue that you wanted to perform? Because I already caught the Broadway version that Huck did.

Who has money? All I have is student loans! It doesn't matter how many times you reinvent your identity, Sallie Mae will find you.

Quinn: Why aren't you calling the White House?
Jake: If I call the White House they'll kill Olivia. They can't go get her.
Quinn:'s the three of us? We bust in there and take on god knows how many armed mercenaries ourselves? All right. I'm down.

Olivia: I'm working. I'm gladiating.
Quinn: You're getting your expensive pants dirty. What are you doing here?

Quinn: Huck...
Huck: I'll look for you. The next time you go M.I.A. I'll look for you.

Did you two seriously not notice that I have been gone for the last 24 hours? I spent three whole months keeping tabs on this office. I went to see you every day at the computer store. I constantly checked in with Abby at the White House. I found you halfway across the world. I'm the one who made sure this place didn't die. And I go M.I.A. for a whole day and no one even bats an eye. That is unacceptable. That is how Harrison died. We weren't vigilant. We didn't pay attention. So when one of us goes missing for 24 hours the other ones freakin' look for them.

Quinn: We were never a normal couple. You're always going to be the guy who pulled my teeth out.
Huck: I pulled your teeth out because you couldn't mind your own business. You can never mind your own business, Quinn. And if I had to do it all again to teach you that one valuable lesson, I would.

Huck: It wasn't safe.
Quinn: It was safer than bringing along two bickering little bitches. What do you want Huck?

Quinn: Huck was the only person I had. And he hurt me. He hurt me. He hurt me. And now I don't have anybody. He hurt me.
Charlie: You have me.

Quinn: Hey, I found her.
Harrison: Grounded!

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Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
