Lance: You know you never did tell me how you joined up with The Arrow in the first place. How did you two meet?
Sara: Vigilante club.

That's the thing about the booze and the pills. The same thing that dulls the pain dulls the judgement.

Barry: Actually, it was only one guy. I'm sorry I'm late. My train was late. Actually, the second one. The first one I did miss, but that was my cab driver's fault. I have this great traffic app and he thought that he was right. But, I'm here now though.
Lance: Great, who the hell are you?
Oliver: And do your parents know that you're here?
Barry: I'm Barry Allen.

Lance: Thanks. It's been a while since I arrested you. I had forgotten how good it feels.
Roy: I was working for... him.

You sent Felicity Smoak to warn me to leave town. You know The Arrow. You're the girl in the mask. You've been kicking the crap out of creeps in The Glades.

Warrior: Guns are a coward's weapon. What are you without your sidearm?
Lance: A guy with a spare.