Oliver: You're a really good father.
Lance: So are you.
Oliver: I had a really good example.
Lance: Your dad was a good man.
Oliver: I'm not talking about my dad.

I'm sorry, Dinah, but she's gone. She's never coming back. She's dead.

She's always been there. She's my rock. She was my rock.

Lance: Sara's my daughter.
Laurel: Then why did I find you with a gun pointed at her head?

Oliver: Three years you've looked at me with contempt and utter disdain, so I'm wondering, do I have that look on my face now?
Lance: What the hell you talking about?
Oliver: I'm talking about you...and Damien Darhk.

Damien: I can give advice, father to father. If she were my daughter, I'd put her down.
Lance: She's my baby girl.
Damien: No, she isn't. She may look like your daughter, but she doesn't possess her soul. The most loving act you can commit is to return Sara to her final rest. I'm sorry.

What this city needs is somebody who can stand out in the light of day, not lurk around in the shadows. You said you were gonna be different this time, huh? How?

Damien: Sorry about the arm. A necessary subterfuge to prevent anyone from suspecting your involvement with HIVE.
Lance: What do you want?
Damien: Well, I'm a little bit disappointed the train station isn't a smoldering pile of ash.
Lance: I'm not. Mass murder, killing innocents. I didn't sign up for this.
Damien: You signed up to do my will. I want to know everything about this Green Arrow. I want to know where he lives and who he loves, and I want him off the boards by the time my associates arrive.
Lance: And if I don't help you?
Damien: Well. Then I would be surprised, because I think I made it abundently clear. You don't have a choice.

Capt. Lance: Proud of yourself, letting a kid take the fall?
Oliver: I'm not going to let him do that. Give me a pen and paper and I will sign a full confession.

Oliver: Capt. Lance, I'm here to turn myself in.
Capt. Lance: Cuff him.

Laurel: So what, now Oliver's to blame?
Capt. Lance: Oliver, the Arrow. Either way, same guy. On some level, I think I always knew. When I thought he was doing good, it didn't matter to me. You know, when that boat went down and we thought Sara was dead? We blamed Queen. It's funny how things come full circle, right?

Lance: What? Are you waiting around for a thank you?
Arrow: That's not why I do this.

Arrow Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
