Snow, we're going to be fine. Darkness never wins. It just fools you into thinking it does.

David: I will always find you.
Snow: One day, Emma will find us.

Emma: How do you do it, Dad? You and Mom have been separated by the curse for weeks and you still found a way to work together.
David: Well, even though I can't be with her, I know she's fighting for me just as hard as I am for her. Emma, I know Hook is out there doing the same for you.

It's not like it's the first curse we've ever woken up from.

Killian: David, may I have your blessing to ask for Emma's hand in marriage?
David: Of course. Of course you have my blessing.
Killian: That's a relief.
David: It's up to Emma, of course. But, yes. You have my blessing. I didn't realize you were so old-fashioned.
Killian: Well, I am over 200 years old, mate.

David: He fought with everything he had. He did the right thing. And it wasn't enough. What if Gideon comes back stronger and kills Emma? What if I can't be with Snow ever again? What if being Prince Charming isn't enough? And I start losing and it keeps going and I lose everything that matters to me?
Killian: All right. I'll step aside. You can kill this man if you think it'll make you feel stronger. But think about your father. He wanted to look you in the eye. Do you want to be able to look back?

David: But you can fix it right?
Zelena: Of course. Do you happen to have any duct tape?

It's not everyday your wife tells you she was friends with a god.

He's a king with no kingdom. As much as he hates it, he's not important anymore.

You tried to trick me with a catchy title and a comfy chair.

With Henry's life on the line I need to be around people I trust and right now that's not you.


David: You're not actually considering Cruella's demand to kill the author?
Regina: Of course not. Even if we could find him it wouldn't be half the fun of killing Cruella. Let's see how she likes being made into outerwear.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
