David: I swaddle him perfectly.
Mary Margaret: He's a baby not a breakfast burrito.

We share one heart and nothing can come between two halves of one heart.

It will be like old times. A prince and a princess on an adventure but without the evil queen on our trail.

You were right. It was an impossible battle which is why I had to fight it.

There's always people in this world who want you to give up. Don't make their jobs any easier.

Mary Margaret: I'll recognize funny again. when he's three and I finally get some sleep.
David: Three, I see the optimism returning.

No one's been incinerated yet, so that's a good sign.

Emma: What is he going to do? I have magic he has one hand.
David: At the very least he can draw fire.
Hook: What, now I'm canon fodder?

David: Zelena backed you into a corner. You did the best you could.
Hook: See, even your father gets it.
Emma: Yeah, because he knows about keeping secrets from loved ones.

Snow: I've loved you since the first moment I saw you.
Charming: And I'll love you until my last.

David: Why do women keep their shoe boxes?
Mary Margaret: Because after true love there is no more powerful magic than footwear. It has to be protected.

Charming: This is every thing I ever hoped for you.
Emma: Me too. It's a shame I never got it.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
