Gunnar: Why’s a guy named ‘Gunnar’ get stuck throwing rocks?
Mack: ‘Cause you’re damned good at it, that’s why.

Flint: I don’t get it. Doesn’t the ax make it harder to shoot?
Mack: Well, it makes it easier to chop heads off!

Fitz: Okay, if you guys really are going to fight a bunch of alien warriors, then you might be interested to know that in past I hid a crate of SHIELD tech in a wall on the base.
Mack: That's what I'm talking about. Thanks, Turbo!
Yo-Yo: Where?
Fitz: Level Three.
Mack: Wait a minute!
Yo-Yo: You mean the level infested with aliens that suck your blood?!
Fitz: Why was I su-- [sighs heavily] I'm not getting enough credit here. I traveled through time and space to find you! I think we're moving past that bit a little bit too quickly!

Tess: Flint, this is Yo-Yo, she’s Inhuman, too.
Flint: Yeah, I kinda figured that already. Why aren’t you living down on the Kree levels?
Yo-Yo: I’m not really from here.
Coulson: None of us are. And she’s not the only Inhuman with us.
Flint [glances at Mack]: You mean this guy.
Yo-Yo: No, he’s just cool.

Flint: What’re tacos?
Mack: What the hell kinda future is this?!

Have you looked in a mirror? You’re a *beast*! Go be one!

Grill [to Mack]

Simmons: Magic is just science we don’t understand yet!
Mack: Oh, please! We just got zapped through space by Stonehenge, and we’re trying to rule out the involvement of a flame-headed demon from East LA! Science, my ass!

Mack [to Coulson]: Look, I’m just saying, what good is it having a state-of-the-art robotic hand if you don’t have it on you when you’re kidnapped by Martians?!
Yo-Yo: Looks like he’s got both hands to me.
Mack: It’s just a prosthetic without all the cool doodads. I mean, it should’ve been a hook! At least you can stab things with a hook!
Coulson: I thought I was gonna be arrested!
Yo-Yo: So, wait. That one doesn’t have the blowtorch or the laser gun or anything?
Coulson: First of all, I’m not Inspector Gadget! And second of all, the authorities would’ve confiscated it! Prison’s bad enough without being down an appendage!
Mack: First rule of Boy Scouts is “Always come prepared!”

Mack: What’s going on?!
Coulson [gestures at an unconscious Virgil]: I was about to find out!
Mack: Oh, my bad! I see a dirty-looking dude hovering over you with a crazy-looking gun, I acted on impulse!

The line between scientist and mad scientist is paper-thin.

Mack [to Fitz]

The only thing worse than a robot is a possessed one.

If he gets any further up Talbot's ass, he'll need a snorkel.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.