Lexie: Meredith, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.
Meredith: Ugh.
Thatcher: I heard that you got married on a sticker. That's great.
Cristina: We should go so you can have family time.
Lexie: No, I don't . I don't know what's wrong with him.
Meredith: Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar Lexie? That might be a clue.
Thatcher: Uh, I'm not. I haven't been drinking I just... (Thatcher throws up blood)
Cristina: Now that could be surgical.

Owen: Batter, batter, batter, batter.
Cristina: What are you trying...
Owen: You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, you need to focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball!
Cristina: Oh my god! Oh my god! I got it!
Lexie: Ok!
Cristina: I did it! I did it.
Meredith: Now you like baseball!
Derek: Oh here we go little Grey. Let's go.

Cristina: I'm sorry. I don't have time for games. I have to get back to the hospital.
Meredith: She's right, she does have to go back to the hospital.
Derek: We're not gonna talk about the hospital, we're here to play baseball.
Mark: And to drink beer. Drink your beer. What more do you want in life?
Lexie: I'm not gonna drink beer when all my friends just got fired.

Mark: No way. Are you serious? I'm gonna go the Chief myself, I'm gonna tell him you're the best 2nd year resident I've even seen.
Lexie: No. I'm safe. I didn't get cut, Mark. I'm safe.

Lexie: Ok, so I'm there in this spleen repair with Dr Hunt and he's got the quatery and he's moving it back and forth you know, fixing bleeders. And, then he just... hands it to me. Like it's the most normal thing in the world to do. Like I repair spleens all the time. And so, I do it. I repair the spleen on my own. And I just, I realize... if we just focus on our jobs, if we focus on our patients, we're gonna be fine.
Steve: Megan got cut. I didn't but she did.
Lexie: What? How?
Steve: The Chief sent out an email. He fired three quarters of our class. We're having a baby.

Alex: Shepherd's shunt went bad?
Lexie: Yeah, they had to convert to an open craniotomy. Something I'll probably never get the chance to do.
Alex: She can't handle a craniotomy.
Lexie: See even he sees it.
Meredith: No, he's not talking about you. He's talking about Izzie.
Lexie: (to Cristina) I really admire you. In case I get cut, and don't get a chance to tell you. Plus, you're really pretty.
Cristina: You can have the rest.
Lexie: (to Mer) And you and I, we were getting so close.

Meredith: Nice pin.
Cristina: His name's Mr Bear. He eats children.
Meredith: Not having fun in peds?
Cristina: Well, my kid wants chocolate pudding really badly. This is the last one.
Alex: My triple A got canceled. You guys got any surgeries I can get in on?
Meredith: Well, I'm on post op's, and she's baby sitting.
Cristina: No, I can't stand it any longer. Can't you go to the Chief and use your dead mommy connections to get some answers?
Meredith: We don't need dead mommy. We are going to be fine.
Lexie: Ok, so I let a crazy man escape and he fell down a flight of stairs.
Alex: Is it surgical?

Mark: You look crazy.
Lexie: This is partly your fault. You're the one who told me to go and act like I deserve to be here, and I did. And, now I lost a schizophrenic, and I am gonna be fired unless I find the schizophrenic.
Mark: Well, you're not gonna find him back there.
Lexie: You do not get to be charmed by this, because this is not charming. This is me getting cut from the programme. You're already amazing. I am just starting out! Ok, I have never stapled a bowel, and I have never resected an oesophagus. I am not amazing yet!
Mark: Alright. Lets just breathe. And again. (Lexie breathes deeply) Good. Look at me. Security is on this. You have become a crazy person that I do not recognise. I want Lexie back, can I get Lexie back?
Lexie: Oh god, that's him!
Mark: Just...

Olivia: I called security. They're on their way.
Lexie: Where's psych? I asked you to page them an hour ago.
Olivia: I paged them twice. If you wanna see the log book.
Lexie: No, I wanna know how a paranoid patient managed to get out of the ER. Where were you?
Olivia: I had stepped away from my desk to deal with another patient, and normally being a punching bag for the doctors is just a part of the job. But, there's a merger, and we're all being looked at, and I am not about to go down for a mistake that wasn't mine. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll page psych again.

Bailey: Karev, I'm gonna need you to get Mr Crawley's wrist x-rayed while I get her up to MRI.
Karev: Why can't one of these fetuses baby sit? If that huge things a triple A I want in.
Lexie: I can do the wrist.
Bailey: Dr Karev has more experience.
Lexie: The patient is paranoid and hypervisulent. Which means he's bound to pick up on the fact that Dr Karev doesn't want to be here. He may interpret that as Dr Karev being out to get him. I aced my psych clerkship.

Mark: I think you missed a spot.
Lexie: Ok, you can't tease me about the blood thing because it's not funny. And, if it gets back to the Chief I may as well just pack my things.
Mark: You need to stop worrying about the Chief. All this is in your head.
Lexie: Really? 2002 Milwaukee. 3rd street hospital merged with St Annes. 13 residents were let go. 2004 Nashville women's absorbed Memorial, 9 residents were fired. 2006 Albuquerque.
Mark: Ok, alright.
Lexie: 19 residents.
Mark: Woah, stop. You need to pull yourself together. You deserve to be here. Act like it.
Lexie: Ok.
Mark: I meant later, you know, after you went home and got some sleep.

Mark: You're tired, you're angry. You're gonna say something you'll regret. Get out of here for a while. Go to the driving range, get a bucket of balls.
Derek: I have a surgery in an hour.
Mark: So take a walk. Grab Meredith, take a walk.
Derek: Meredith won't leave the hospital. None of them will. Everybody's waiting a word from on high. Look, don't tell me Lexie's not worried.
Lexie: Is he in here, cause I've got the... ugh! [falls]
Mark: No, Lexie's worried.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.